Getting tired of T.O !!!!


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every day terrell this, terrell that.
enough already!!!! i cant watch anything about the nfl on espn without soemone mentioning that a-hole t.o-it would be nice to hear the media talk about real contenders like my 'boys or something that is at least worthwhile
cowboys#1 said:
every day terrell this, terrell that.
enough already!!!! i cant watch anything about the nfl on espn without soemone mentioning that a-hole t.o

Or someone starting a thread on TO...;)
Richmond Cowboy said:
Or someone starting a thread on TO...;)

No kidding. It's not like there is already a gigantic T.O. thread...

Oh wait.... there is.
TheHustler said:
No kidding. It's not like there is already a gigantic T.O. thread...

Oh wait.... there is.
my statement will just get lost in a huge thread.
what better way to get my point across by starting a new one with my words on the first post.
cowboys#1 said:
my statement will just get lost in a huge thread.
what better way to get my point across by starting a new one with my words on the first post.

So, to point out how annoyed you are of all the TO talk, you post another TO thread?

Pot. Kettle. Black.

And there is a reason they were all MERGED into one thread.
The trouble is, because of my intense hatred for TO, he's now making me dislike "The Playmaker," or at least want to change the channel anytime Irvin starts to star-hump another WR, specifically TO.
TheHustler said:
So, to point out how annoyed you are of all the TO talk, you post another TO thread?

Pot. Kettle. Black.

And there is a reason they were all MERGED into one thread.
And soon to happen to this one also
I am so tired of it...I moved this thread about being tired of it to the opinion zone. :D
maybe one day that idiot will learn,it takes 10 other guys out there for him to score a TD!all ways has ,allways will.
TB: Hey TO... there is no "I" in team...

TO: Yeah... but there is a "ME"...
You should try watching Hockey. They don't give a damn about TO.

This is the biggest story in Football, for at least the next 2-3 weeks. Get used to plenty of talk about it.
Look at it this way, #1.

At least TO had the 'good taste' to implode during OUR bye week, when news is at a minimum and threads take the OT track anyway.

I appreciated the show this week myself. Some of it (like the 'fight' with Douglas - imagine a blow-by-blow report when the most critical punch thrown is one 'that could have done some damage if it had landed') has been freakin hilarious.

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