Giants at Packers Game Thread

Dez is an older player and has had immaturity issues. He should get crushed if he were to pull something like that.

But Dez is a WR. And Odell does not have maturity issues?

Odell has been in the NFL long enough to be held accountable for his actions. Just like anyone else that signs a contract to play in the NFL.
GB has had no running game for much of the season. They still won 7 in a row.

Of course the Cowboys can win. No one is saying otherwise but the bravado that some of you have where you think this is amicably an easy win is laughable.

Im not saying gb cant win. I'm saying Dallas has the best OL and RB in the NFL and GB hasnt show me that they can account for that.
Gnats without JPP and DRC are not the same defense.

Might have been different game with those two at 100%.....maybe.
GB's 7 game win streak is impressive but let's be real. They beat the Eagirls,Texans, Seahawks,Bears, Vikings, Lions, and the Gints during that streak.

See a pattern there? All those teams' offences suck. Don't get me wrong. It will be a tough game because of Rogers but GB should fear us as much as we should fear them if not more.

We went into their house and ran it down their throats when they had a #1 rush defense. I think we will do it again and keep Rogers on the sideline. Key is going to be not turning the ball over.
Our offense isn't problem unless we get too far behind. Containing Rodgers is the problem.
True. But if your quarterback can't throw a 40-50 yard Hail Mary, he doesn't have a strong arm, and he shouldn't be your quarterback. Just saying.

OK..but that's not what we are talking that point is useless...there isn't a qb in the NFL that can't throw 40 yards..and Rodgers threw it to the back of the end zone..that's another 10..he was probably a few yards behind the LOS...let's say that 55..then the air yards...and you are talking 65 yards...that's a cannon
GB has no running game. Rod is going to put 6 in the backfield and make GB dink and dunk all the way down the field. We are at home with the best OL and RB in the league. I think some of you guys our underestimating our players.

Oh, it's just that easy? I wonder the the Giants with a much better defense, and all the other teams the Packers have played the last 7 weeks, didn't think of that.

You sound like a lot of people right before that last Giants game.

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