Giants at Packers Game Thread

I will tell you this. If other teams did "Trolling the Nation" when our division rivals are playing against us or other teams, especaially if they are winning, they would hit a freaking gold mine.
I love how scared Dallas Cowboys fans are. Not a backbone in the bunch.
Packers running raggedy routes like our OC likes to run against the Giants, they're not getting any separation and no quick slants or drop backs. They need to try screens or something, hell try running the ball a little. Both teams flinging it like a drunk floozy.
This is looking like the same Giants defense that won those two Super Bowl's.
I don't think I could handle only losing to one team the entire season yet going home next week.
This is also why I like WRs that get separation. We could use another one, would help against the Giants.
The Packers only hope in this game is if the Giants inexplicably continue to try running the ball.

The Giants win easily if they literally just pass every single down.
I am still stunned at how many fans wont put there hate aside and realize the Giants D is really really good.

i Respect them i don't fear them honestly i would love to avenge 2007 but it is no given

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