Giants-Vikings Thread

That's awesome dude! So happy for you Scalper! Our children are all that life needs.

I have a pic up in the member zone of me and my lil one. Check it out when you get a chance. :)

On my way as we speak, brother.

And, I agree with you. My kids have done for my life than I could ever do for theirs but I did/do my best.
Gruden needs to shut up about the players lacking by NY. I don't feel sorry for them one bit.
Lol! Right on dude for keeping tabs on great NFL play callers. NHL fans are ardent on that very subject, it was odd hearing it from an NFL perspective :)
Here in Calgary, Peter Maher made the NHL Hall of Fame for his 40+ years of broadcasting Flames games. He's a legend in this town.
Honestly both of these teams look like they aren't all that. I thought The vike D was supposed to be awesome. Watch, They are about to give up some points. Against a struggling giant team. Their offense looks pretty lame too.

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