Giants vs Dolphins

If Giants settle for a field goal, 6-0 at the half isn't too shabby.
thekavorka;1732254 said:
yeah. all of texas gets the game EXCEPT Austin

I'm guessing we're getting the Det. - Chi. game because of Roy Williams??


I love living here, but can't stand UT...and can't stand that we are always having to watch these ex-longhorns! (Vince and Roy)
Eli gets the rushing TD.

Please euthanize the Fins.
numnuts23;1732264 said:
I'm guessing we're getting the Det. - Chi. game because of Roy Williams??


I love living here, but can't stand UT...and can't stand that we are always having to watch these ex-longhorns! (Vince and Roy)

Yeah, probably Roy Williams, Cedric Benson, and Vasher. I go to UT but I couldn't care less about how all these ex-longhorns do in the NFL. If the Cowboys aren't playing, I just want to see the best possible game.
Alright, well it looks like the Dolphins, Rams and Vikings are who we thought they were. I'm going to brunch.
Sorry, Brit fans, but the chewed-up field (pitch?) and the rain will make this a boring, run-heavy game. And then there's Cleo Lemon ...
kmp77;1732250 said:
I like how this is a big thing yet the game isnt on here. That's uh, real nice. If you're gonna make a big deal out of an overseas game, how about making it national.

NFL has got to get off their *** and get their priorities straight. I say we as fans start a stike and refuse to watch the games until they sort out their problems with exclusive broadcasting and acknowledge that this is Americas Game.

And if Jerry Jones ever agrees to host a Dallas game over seas, I say we remind him that it's Americas Team, and protest at the doors of Texas stadium.

Like any of that will actually happen. But wouldn't it be the right thing to do? :laugh2:
bbgun;1732301 said:
Sorry, Brit fans, but the chewed-up field (pitch?) and the rain will make this a boring, run-heavy game. And then there's Cleo Lemon ...

Well, I'd say that gives the Fins a chance in hell of winning. Go fins!!!!!!!!:)
TheCount;1732213 said:
Hahaha, they are actually booing the Giants. That's great.

Actually it sounds like there are a good number of Giant fans there too. I mean they picked the two coast cities most often visited by people from England, so I guess that was a good decision.

The big teams on Europe are the teams that did well in the 80's and early 90's when we first got NFL games on TV here. The Giants, Dolphins, Skins, Bills and Cowboys are huge in Europe
STAR GAZER;1732305 said:
NFL has got to get off their *** and get their priorities straight. I say we as fans start a stike and refuse to watch the games until they sort out their problems with exclusive broadcasting and acknowledge that this is Americas Game.

what are you talking about? The fact that Giants/Dolphins isn't being shown in Austin has nothing to do with the fact football is America's game.
Apparently, greased up naked deaf guy just ran out on the field....those silly brits.
Ha! A guy was running on the field... Fox didn't want to show him. Then he ran right Sirigusa. Goose said he had on a ref's uniform.

On a side note: there are alot of empty seats now.
thekavorka;1732317 said:
what are you talking about? The fact that Giants/Dolphins isn't being shown in Austin has nothing to do with the fact football is America's game.

All of America should be able to watch every game broadcast. Too many Cowboys Fans are left hanging high and dry on gameday every week, when the game isn't broadcast in their region of the country etc..

Americas game should be watched by all of America.

Instead, they are concerned about Europe?
I dunno why the NFL picked the Gints/Fins of all teams to showcase the NFL in Europe. This game typifies the mediocrity/badness of most NFL teams.
If a hear another whistle I'm going to turn this terrible boring game off...Refs need to let the players play..They get to cought up in their little job. What's next, We're gonna have guyus throwing free throws?

( insert throw up smiley here)

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