GM embarasses Facebook right before IPO

CanadianCowboysFan;4572814 said:
helped start the social media revolution which has changed completely the way we market products, interact and deal with people

That would be my space...

What he did is invent a free login service that sold your info to advertisers...

He did nothing of particular innovation...

Those buyers of Facebook are going to take a bath...
trickblue;4572844 said:
That would be my space...

What he did is invent a free login service that sold your info to advertisers...

He did nothing of particular innovation...

Those buyers of Facebook are going to take a bath...

100% right....stay far away from that "investment"
ROUSH8692;4572646 said:
He has contributed more to the world than both of you ever will... Who are you to even think you have a say in this?

Nobodies jealous about a somebody.

lol, you're kidding right? I'm the ****ing NYC/Sam I Am of the world. I contribute more to the world in a 10th of a second than some ******y *** **** *** bag Facebook founder.

Get real.
ROUSH8692;4572651 said:
Whats wrong? Nothing.... SamIAm is just jealous because he failed in his goals and this guy found success....

lol. What is my goal ***face? What is your goal? To lick his ***?

Freaking wow. :rolleyes:
CanadianCowboysFan;4572814 said:
helped start the social media revolution which has changed completely the way we market products, interact and deal with people

No. Not only did Facebook steal, but My-Space was so far a head of Facebook it's stupid. Facebook was a double steal of what was already happening.
If Facebook went away tomorrow, no one would miss a house payment. Except maybe the morons who bought their stock.
Sam I Am;4573005 said:
lol, you're kidding right? I'm the ****ing NYC/Sam I Am of the world. I contribute more to the world in a 10th of a second than some ******y *** **** *** bag Facebook founder.

Get real.
Holy crap, you're a ****** (rhymes with swoosh).
Cajuncowboy;4573012 said:
If Facebook went away tomorrow, no one would miss a house payment. Except maybe the morons who bought their stock.

:laugh2: :bow:
Sam I Am;4573009 said:
No. Not only did Facebook steal, but My-Space was so far a head of Facebook it's stupid. Facebook was a double steal of what was already happening.

survival of the fittest, facebook was superior to deadspace and kicked the crap out of it

only teenage girls used *******, Zuckerberg, who I admit is a total dbag, turned his "invention" into something we all use
My-space was before Facebook. Friendster was before my-space, and so and so on.

Hell, AOL Online used to pretty much be the same thing. You had a profile and could search for people based on their profile. You had "friends" and could message each other.
Nothing compares...... Facebook is insanely viral worldwide. It can probably be used to replace the emergency broadcast system thats on tv now. Innovation. Face it.

So when the ipo tanks to $2/share how many will buy then?

SamIAm.... Its the truth
ROUSH8692;4573201 said:
Nothing compares...... Facebook is insanely viral worldwide. It can probably be used to replace the emergency broadcast system thats on tv now. Innovation. Face it.

So when the ipo tanks to $2/share how many will buy then?

SamIAm.... Its the truth

so you in essence are clueless.

facebook is a fancy RSS feed that anyone can do. it just hit a wave and people got mad at ******* (which was a LOT more functional but highly annoying in not being able to control my inbox) and ran to the next fad.

no one is running to google+. and no one really reads on facebook that much anymore cause they're too busy posting.

their click-thru rate is abysmal and they're now talking about letting people pay a small amount (dollar or two) to HIGHLIGHT their posts and force them on people who would otherwise not want to see it.

they're about to get more annoying than *******.

if the pet rock was innovation then yes, so is facebook.
Well let's be reasonable here, obviously Facebook/Zuckerberg contributed widely to strong opinions and contentious debates on public forums. :laugh2:

****'s gettin' crazy up in this thread. :)
trickblue;4573347 said:
There's a Zucker born every minute...


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