Go Bag


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So, has anybody else been moved to create a "Go" bag? Moved by, oh, say, threats of zombie apocalypses or things of that nature? :)

I'm actually making one. What's in YOUR go bag?

* The bag - a Field & Stream Internal Frame Rack camping backpack, kind of like the ones you see survivalists wear on TV. Very nice.

* A lightweight blanket from Sports Illustrated that I got years ago for a subscription
* Wind resistant utility lighter...the ones you see in supermarkets that have a long muzzle or whatever
* CB radio
* Ready to go disposable grill with ez light charcoal
* storm-proof matches in a water-tight container with striking surface on it
* chainmate survival hand saw that is portable, lightweight. Has 2 hand straps
* ball point pen
* 2 Life Straws. These things are AMAZING
* a 3-pack of Mylar rescue blankets, waterproof, very lightweight
* Magnesium fire starter with striker, keychain, magnesium body and flint
* Adventurer Survival Knife with a 5 1/4 inch blade, and it has all the little survival goodies in it like fish line, etc.
* 1 change of socks, underwear, blue jeans, shirt

So I'm just getting started. Can't take too much. Need to be able to just grab and GO! GO NOW! But not be inordinately burdened down.

I'll put some long lasting lightweight food packs in there....oh, and I have my lightweight crossbow, bolts, rifle scope, and binoculars as well.

So, it's fun and makes me feel like if a catastrophe were to happen I could just grab and go and have maybe a chance.
So, has anybody else been moved to create a "Go" bag? Moved by, oh, say, threats of zombie apocalypses or things of that nature? :)

I'm actually making one. What's in YOUR go bag?

* The bag - a Field & Stream Internal Frame Rack camping backpack, kind of like the ones you see survivalists wear on TV. Very nice.

* A lightweight blanket from Sports Illustrated that I got years ago for a subscription
* Wind resistant utility lighter...the ones you see in supermarkets that have a long muzzle or whatever
* CB radio
* Ready to go disposable grill with ez light charcoal
* storm-proof matches in a water-tight container with striking surface on it
* chainmate survival hand saw that is portable, lightweight. Has 2 hand straps
* ball point pen
* 2 Life Straws. These things are AMAZING
* a 3-pack of Mylar rescue blankets, waterproof, very lightweight
* Magnesium fire starter with striker, keychain, magnesium body and flint
* Adventurer Survival Knife with a 5 1/4 inch blade, and it has all the little survival goodies in it like fish line, etc.
* 1 change of socks, underwear, blue jeans, shirt

So I'm just getting started. Can't take too much. Need to be able to just grab and GO! GO NOW! But not be inordinately burdened down.

I'll put some long lasting lightweight food packs in there....oh, and I have my lightweight crossbow, bolts, rifle scope, and binoculars as well.

So, it's fun and makes me feel like if a catastrophe were to happen I could just grab and go and have maybe a chance.

The wife has most of the essentials stacked in the garage ready to go. I need to get several of the things that you have mentioned,like the flexible saw that can roll up.
Invest in a good compass, and learn how to use it.

I'll use the sun & stars and water with magnetized light metal floating on it :) In the meanwhile, I'll substitute a pair of Sai (see Elektra)
Don't forget the handheld portable CB radio. Available at most truck stops on interstates for about $40 or so. This has already saved me a LOT in speeding fines :)
Cb radio only has a couple mile radius.

A butane torch lighter n extra butane would be wise.

Disposable grill n charcoal? Going camping?

Life straws only stop so much, I'd get the $90 version n extra filters.

I'd never consider a knife w fishing line built in. Crap knife. Get a Gerber axe w a saw built in the handle. Gerber gator knife also

Decent machette.

Hmmm, matches, lighter n flint. Pick 1 and go.

I'd lose the grill n put in a 9mm n ammo

A change of clothing? You just fled your home in fear, I'd use that space for something more needed.
Why have I always thought this was called a bug out bag?
Why have I always thought this was called a bug out bag?

same thing.

i made comments but let me build my own based off my experience.

1. 9mm and all the ammo i can carry. i say carry cause if it's bad enough to make you leave your home, you have to think about "what am i physically able to carry? the ammo is the heavy part. i'd likely toss in a few boxes and have to remember "i gotta carry this ****")
2. gerber hunting knife. http://www.gerberknivesdirect.com/steadfast_22-01120.html
3. gerber small hand axe. http://www.amazon.com/Gerber-22-41420-Gator-Combo-Axe/dp/B000C0RKYM - saw problem solved. that chainmate crap will fail quick.
4. torch lighter - http://www.bugstores.com/shop/Nebula-DeLuxe-Torch.html and extra butane. at least 1 can.
5. kelty 2 man tent. avoid field and stream, sports illustrated, and get what is known good for serious "camping".
6. solar survival blankets. lightweight and 3-4 won't slow you down. i'd adjust this according to time of year. if summer, do you really NEED a blanket? winter? more important. don't just build and go, keep it up to date.
7. water filter worth a damn. the "straws" - read what they block vs. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Katadyn-Vario-Micro-Filter-Water-Purifier-Filtration-Ceramic-Carbon-Hike-Camp-/121276044948?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c3c9d9694 and if you get the "military one" you deserve to get sick.
8. any solid backpack you don't "go cheap on". remember, if you're "buggin out" having to rely on savings defeats the purpose of putting this together.
9. a couple of tactical small LED flashlights and as many batteries as you can carry
10. if you need a radio, http://www.ebay.com/itm/Portable-Outdoor-Weather-Emergency-NOAA-GMRS-FRS-AM-FM-HAM-USB-Hand-Crank-Radio-/181322529789?pt=US_Portable_AM_FM_Radios&hash=item2a37aa3bfd - greater overall range, but you also need to ensure you have a weather function if you really want this.
11. flat spool of 12lb fishing line and a pack of hooks, small bag of weights.
12. what is safe to eat in the wilderness handguide. to save space, memorize it. :)
13. steel canteen. may need to boil water, make sure you're not doing it over plastic bottles like les stroud.
14. avoid ANYTHING by bear gillis.

i'd start there and tweak.
1.Great list, Iceberg. Agree totally with the 9mm. It's not a Desert Eagle, a .357 magnum, .44 magnum, or any of the macho calibers. They tend to be heavy, and the less weight you tote, the better. You're main goal is to get out of the danger zone as quickly as possible. A 9 mm is lighter, as is a .380 and a few other calibers, but I seem to be able to find ample 9 mm ammo now, as opposed to this time last year. Now you have trouble finding .22 ammo! (BTW, if you are locked in where you are, I.e. The mountains, small town, or someplace relatively safe from the marauding bands, it might pay to stock up on .22 LR if you can find it. It's a lot less expensive for small game hunting, is light, and I believe will be one of the cornerstones of any future medium of exchange. It's a lot easier to trade a couple of scarce .22 shells for something rather than trying to figure out how much of this gold bar will buy a loaf of bread, or some such. The gold standard could easily be replaced with the lead standard!)

2 & 3.Agree with the Gerber knife&saw. Even though I abhor Chinese made knives, and I believe Gerber is also made there, I would choose to have a Gerber because they are, IMO, the best of the Chinese group. I would also have a small pocket knife, preferably made by Case. They're great! Find yourself a small sharpening tool or steel, because there ain't many things as useless as a dull knife.

4.Agree with the idea of a small torch lighter/ butane, but must have magnesium bar as backup. Use the Case knife to shave off a small amount of magnesium into your tinder used to get your fire going, use your Gerber knife to spark off a flint rock or your sharpening steel to ignite it. You get it going, and it ain't going out. Just don't get any burning magnesium on your skin. You will remember the experience!,

5. Sure agree with tent choice. Built to last, lightweight, and comes in muted darker colors.
It defeats your concealment attempt if your flame red or blaze orange tent makes you stick out like a beacon.

6. Those space blankets are amazing, and fold into a very small space. Hopefully they have them in a finish other than "hello, here I am" Silver.

7,8,9,10,11. Spot on!

12. I have a small pocketbook by, I think it's By Bradford Angier on basic wilderness survival skills. It's pretty good, and there are a number of them, including Army field manuals that are readily available. If you have access to a local community type garden organization, they may offer hands on classes on edible plant identification, and such.

13,14.:D:D:D AGREE!
No way would my bug out bag consist of a Chinese made "survival" knife.....I have a "Spartan Blades" neck knife
a 15 year old KABAR
and a made in USA "RAK" (what RAK stands for is kinda goofy) knife that is a hunk of steel with a decent edge
cheap knives are the devil!!!!:D:D
wow. i did not know they were made in china. not sure when they started doing it but the knives i have are all solid and hold their edge well. looks like buck and browning are also having some models made in china. looks like some of my gerbers are in fact chinese but i've got (2) that are stamped USA - my LHR, and my gator folding pocket knife has portland OR stamped on it.

so i'll put those in there. the small hand axe feel solid enough.
Interesting topic. I would think about finding or securing a place to bug out to, I guess it depends on the situation or how long you need to be gone. At least have it kinda mapped out and predetermined where you are going.

I've always wanted to build some kind of remote cabin in the woods type thing, or buy a piece of land in the middle of nowhere. It would be a fun project and cool to visit even if the world wasn't ending. Stock it full of canned goods and survival gear and what not. Maybe find an old abandoned building and repurpose it with a basement to hide in.

People should really have all that stuff ready just for natural disasters if anything.
Well obviously I'm quite a rookie at this. But glad to get this topic started. Glad to learn. No need to deride me for bad choices though; I'm trying. Now where is my Glock ...I need it about now...:mad:
Well obviously I'm quite a rookie at this. But glad to get this topic started. Glad to learn. No need to deride me for bad choices though; I'm trying. Now where is my Glock ...I need it about now...:mad:

apologies man. i was just having some fun with it.

you almost need (2) types, one for the car and then a weather proof backpack.

other things to add:
1. first aid kit.
2. some dehydrated food or MRE's. not that tasty but depending on what is going on, it's better than going hungry.

i dug up one for the car that i can put some stuff in just in case then put it in a spare bedroom.
So, it's fun and makes me feel like if a catastrophe were to happen I could just grab and go and have maybe a chance.

Yep, .. just hope whatever catastrophie you are planning for, .. happens when you are at home.

And not when you are at work, at the store, at the game, at the gas station, at the mall, at church, on vacation, .. etc.
Putting the bag together is great. Make sure you know how to to use everything appropriately and try them out before you need them. Make sure you know how to put your tent up. Put it up during the day. Then try doing it at night when you have no light. That will be the scenario you will be facing. Disaster scenarios rarely give you the time to read the instructions.
A few practical suggestions:

I recommend people Google "The medical emergency uses of garlic" and print out the entire page and put it in the first aid kit along with a good size sealed plastic jar of garlic powder ( not garlic salt - stores for years and is lighter than fresh bulbs. You will be amazed at how many conditions can be successfully treated with garlic used in different ways. A lightweight but durable rope is good to have but forget the thin little saws as they build up a lot of heat when used and become brittle and break easily. Dead branches can be easily broken in the crotch of a tree or between two close trees.

I would ditch the heavier items or pre-position them in the area you intend to go to. Also, a plastic coated USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle map is a good idea. They are incredibly accurate and even show the clearings in the woods. You can get them at any good backpacking supply store. Forget carrying a lot of batteries and use solar rechargable led flashlight and small lightweight transister radio for news and weather.

Pre-positioning water in plastic jugs is also a good idea as water is very hard to pack much of and you need a lot of it. You can't always depend on streams or creeks being wet, especially in summer. Learn which plants you can eat and how to prepare them and which to avoid. A good lightweight stainless mess kit is a good thing to have. Learn to make jerky and dehydrate other foods and eat sparingly. learn to become one with nature and prepare for TV and internet withdrawal.

Prepare yourself and any family members. If you're not in good physical condition, better get that way and develop some serious stamina, especially if there are mountains where you intend to go. Take up backpacking and learn to use your equipment and gain experience and learn to be a minimalist. If you are an inexperienced rookie when you bug out it will be a lot tougher. Get a good pair of lightweight hiking boots and really good socks.

The most dangerous things in the woods are usually other bipeds.

I've done my share of backpacking and I speak from experience.

Pray that you don't ever have to bug out because if you do, we are all in deep do-do.

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