One thing I found that I love about Florida golf is the summertime. You can get on after noon for $30 with a cart on great courses that are in fabulous condition. Come May, it pretty much will pour every afternoon for about 30 minutes and then the sun comes out and dries it up just enough to make the grass green and the turf nice and soft, but not too soft.
Most people I know down here will only play at 8am in the summer, but I actually think that is the WORST idea. Mainly because everybody wants to play then and you're stuck playing a 4 1/2 hour round and by 10 am, it's sweltering.
But, go out at 2pm with just yourself or a buddy and you can plan in a little over 2 hours. Get in, get out and it's not too bad. I remember last year there were a couple of times I played early in the morning and by 10 I was starting to get sick from the heat.
I've also found a couple of things that work well with the sweat.
HIRZL golf glove. They're not cheap ($25), but they have a 3-month guarantee and a 100% sweat free palm. I've got 2 of them, one for practice and one for play.
Gorilla Gold. I just got this and I've extremely please with how effective it works. It only costs like $4. It's a small little cloth that you grip and it makes your hands very tacky/sticky. And, the tacky/stick feeling only lasts about 3 minutes. But the neat thing is that once the sticky/tacky feeling goes away, your hands are now bone dry...which is what you wanted anyway.
So I used the HIRZL glove in my left hand and use the Gorilla Gold in my right hand (non-glove hand).