*** Good draft threads you might be missing***

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Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Please note that there is a draft section to the forum for some who might not know or might not venture too far beyond the Fan zone.

There are plenty of mock drafts done by our fans on there, plenty of info on players and there are some threads from various members here that deserve a little more attention than what they have garnered to this point.


Here are two threads of players that the Cowboys have had contact with THREAD ONE and THREAD TWO
Credit goes to @Alexander for getting the first one started.

Each year @Risen Star starts a thread and competition for Cowboys fans to see who can pick the most players the cowboys will pick. For more info... PICK THE COWBOYS DRAFT PICKS THREAD

Each year @dantheman41 does a good job of giving us his personal evaluations of a number of players. DANS EVALUATION THREAD

@Fredd does a great job the last few years making out a spread sheet with a ton of great info. Really is a great document to print out and have by your side during the draft Fredd's draft Spreadsheet thread

We will also have two threads in the zone during the draft.

One will be just with the Cowboys Picks,

the other will be the overall picks of all teams.

Also @jobberone is asking that you check out his thread to try and build a Cowboyszone big board

I understand that the Draft zone is usually just haunted by a small number of us Draft Junkies...but this time of the year all should visit the zone for the various threads listed above and to give the members who do so much for us a like and a thank you...they deserve it.
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Please, participate with my Draft exercise. I want to compare our board with the Cowboys' board at some point assuming we get to see at least part of it this year.
Keep in mind...The pick the Cowboys draft picks thread will be closed just before the draft starts. So you want to get in and put your picks in while you can.
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