Good game guys

Hostile said:
He lives in Las Cruces, New Mexico. .

my brother lived near there- tularosa (close to alamogordo). very small town.

I've always been a bit nervous before every Skins vs Cowboys game, except for this sone. The only feeling i had tonight was bad, plain and simple.

thats funny. i felt that same way. just did not have high hopes for this one. hope that doesnt make me a bad fan.
cowboyed said:
Holly cack, your response appears a little psycho let alone classless. I am a diehard Cowboys fan, but I don't hate any team. Some players and coaches annoy me but that is about it. Hating the Commanders or some other team and being glad any player is hurt is a little over the top.

What's wrong with respecting a team and appreciating a rivalry yet wanting to beat them every time you play them? Why isn't that enough? How can you not positively acknowlege Commanders fans respectfully posting on this board and recognizing the strong winning Cowboys performance against their team?

I think Osama bin Laden has an opening in his public relations department, if you are interested....

Speaking of over the top.
Rack said:
About the black widow, I'm actually leaning towards something different now (although I still like the ghost widow idea). I'm thinking of just painting the gas tank black, with a red hourglass on the bottom of it. It should be visible cuz the rearend will be raised a little bit (I don't like the look of a lowered 60's musclecar. Just doesn't look right).

It's not for everyone, but have you ever seen a "True Fire" paint job by Mike Lavallee? I'm not into cars, but - to me - these paint jobs are just about the coolest thing I've ever seen. I saw it on InHD once.

He sells a DVD and template kit.
riggo said:
my brother lived near there- tularosa (close to alamogordo). very small town.
I know it well. I think my worst game ever was against them.
Dogwood said:
Speaking of over the top.

Uh, dogwood, relative to my criticism the difference is I am exaggerating my final comment for effect. DallasKen appears serious and consumed with a negative fervor.
SkinsHokieFan;1039630 said:
Good game guys, you clearly outclassed us

We have a long way to go, I didn't expect us to look this bad tonight even though earlier this week I did predict a Cowboys win

See you on November 5th

Originally Posted by SkinsHokieFan
Can we for F's sake never crosslink that God foresaken cess pool here?

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