Good Ol Michael Strahan How Bout Them Cowboys


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HA HA, do you guys remember how many times this commerical use to be on. Its fitting for a comeback tour. This thread is about the Giants.

Do you think the Giants or any team for that matter can win with a running back thats 6 5 265 pounds? Hes a horse but has no home run threat to him. In addition, you cant miss this guy in between the tackles and the holes have to be open extra wide for him. His strength is if he gets his steam going hes defintly going to gain a minmum of 5 yards. Bettis was a big guy but he was also 5 10. If you look back other than Riggins not many big guys have been successful. I know guys like Okoye, Means, Foster, etc were big but they werent 6 5 270. The Giants need a guy like Warrick Dunn to there team. I would give Warrick 15 carries, Jacobs 10[ with 2-3 in short yardage) and that Ward guy 5. I know thats hypotheically and they dont have all of those backs but to make him a 25 carry a game back is wrong IMO.

I cant stand Eli. He seems so freaking arrogant its not even funny, like he says Im a Manning now crown me. Maybe Im the only one. Peyton is goofy but in comparsions to Eli its night and day. On paper, the Giants should put up tons of points. They have alot of talent and it baffles me how Sineores Moss doesnt get more touches. The one play he caught today he put a gear on that made evrybody look slow.

We played well. Too many stupid pentalys. I thought we might of got one there with the hold on Williams in the end zone but if you seen it from the refs prospective from the side it looked bad; however, overhead it looked like you could let it go. Its all about the prospective from where your standing.

Unsung hero today is Mr.Newman

First drive he gave up like 2 catches to Burress for like 15 yards. I dont know if you noticed but in the second half Eli was looking down the field on at least 5 occansions to Burress and had to bring it back and run for his life. I rewatched the game and Newman was man up with him for most of those. Just remember what Burress did to DeAngelo Hall a few weeks ago? That should be a note to pro bowl voters. Not only that after the first drive Burress and Toomer were non existent and he had alot to do with that. Another fine showing by him even though as Troy mentioned he cant seem to catch an interception. He did play reciever at Kansas State too so that kinda baffles me. He should of housed two in the last two weeks.

Next up, Washington. We must be patient in this game as there new gameplan this season is to take every deep ball away. Romo has to throw the ball underneath. We should beat these guys like 30-10.


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when the giants said they would run jacobs all day long, i knew we would win. he's a bruiser, alright -- i even wanted dallas to draft him to be our number 2 running back -- but i knew he wouldn't be enough to beat our defense.

the one thing that kept the giants in the game the first time around was the big pass play. yesterday, new york didn't even try to go long.


Nikola Tesla
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Lucky Devil
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playmakers;1760149 said:
HA HA, do you guys remember how many times this commerical use to be on. Its fitting for a comeback tour.

Whose comeback tour?


Rising Star
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I thought there running game was pretty effective, especially in the 3rd quarter. Manning was in a ton of 3rd and 5 or less situations but couldnt substain enough drives and Dallas did a great job of taking away the big plays in the 4th quarter.

94WARE94 that is a great pic.

Tom [Giants fan]

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win with a guy as big as Jacobs. The reason is, they have a home run threat in Ward. The only problems is, he has been hurt and out the past three games. He is close to coming back. The Giants have a great change of pace with Jacobs the bruiser and Ward with speed. They just haven't had the speed guy lately.


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Tom, I know he was out but Jacobs imo would be better served in a rotation than being a feature back. Plus, hes no threat out of the backfield.

Yakuza Rich

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Tom [Giants fan];1760399 said:
win with a guy as big as Jacobs. The reason is, they have a home run threat in Ward. The only problems is, he has been hurt and out the past three games. He is close to coming back. The Giants have a great change of pace with Jacobs the bruiser and Ward with speed. They just haven't had the speed guy lately.

I actually think the Giants could do quite well splitting the carries with Jacobs much akin to the way Dallas does it with Julius and Barber. It was pretty obvious that the Dallas defense was really grinding to bring Jacobs down in the 3rd quarter.
