Whatever man. im not going over the same points over and over with you.my mind will not change and neither with yours. there will be one winner. eveyone else will be losers. GO NE. i hope the refs wont screw your team too.BraveHeartFan;1938702 said:*Shakes head* Why anyone is even arguing over whether the commish actually conspired to try and boot Dallas from the playoffs is beyond idiotic.
We weren't good enough to overcome calls, that point is 50%. We also weren't good enough to make the 5 or 6 other plays, that were there to make, there by overcoming those calls.
Thats why we were one and done and not Superbowl champions. We weren't good enough, on that day. Great teams over come the adversity before them. Be it dropped passes, bad calls, good calls, poor calls, calls to someones momma complaining about the team they're playing.
Dallas simply let it get away from them cause they weren't good enough to overcome the penalities (A great deal of which were all their own mental errors) and their own stupid mistakes (Dropped passes and stopping on routes) to win the game.
Also, as for the Reeves face mask, either you're completely blind or just being plain stupid to defend your argument. He grabbed the dude right under the top part of the front of his helmet. Clear as day. This "brushed the mask" you're speaking of is wrong.
cowboyrock;1938438 said:peope like you are part of the reason the cowboys have not won a playoff game in 12 years.
cowboyrock;1938426 said:This guy has shown in a very short time that he is going to be an anti-Dallas guy.suspending Wade wilson , for 5 games was a disgrace. the guy was a coach who was taking the HGH for health reasons.i dont think Roy williams is very good. in fact i think he is terrible. but if you are going to suspend him. then suspend Vince wolfolk, for all the things he's done this year. like trying to put a players eyes out.he is from the northeast, and seems to favor teams like the Giants and NE. no wonder we had that refs crew here in Dallas for that playoff game where the giants got all the calls. i do not trust this guy.he seems to be trying to make a name for himself by screwing Dallas. it's sickening.
As i said.whatever man. no more games with you. it is what it is.BraveHeartFan;1938780 said:You hired the evil refs, dropped those passes, missed those tackles, and generally played poor from your livingroom, thus making it clearly all your fault that the Cowboys didn't win.
Worse song in history.GO COWBOYS.SkinsandTerps;1938793 said:Hail to the Commanders,
Hail Victory,
Braves on the warpath,
Fight for ol' D.C.