Providing something you should have provided from the very begininng is not something to pat yourself on the back about. Its just doing what you should have done from the get go.
The funny thing is that these numbers are next to worthless as NBC and/or ABC only carried a game a week and that was only after football season was over for the Sunday games. TNT has been carrying the lionshare of the games for as long as I can remember.
Here is an article from last year talking about how the NBA made TNT the top cable channel.
Even if NBC/ABC were the primary venue for the NBA you still fail to take the step to support your initial statement. You said
We now know better. We now know that ratings have actually increased with all the new young talent and great games going around lately and we also know that the NBA was a big part in TNT being the top cable channel.
But lets look at the numbers that you specifically posted. The numbers took a nose dive after the 1999 season. First of all that was when the NBA lockout occured. Furthermore this was when the Chicago and New York franchises went into the toilet. Those just happen to be two of the biggest sporst markets in the country. After Shaw and Kobe broke up it went completely in the toilet.
But hey you say its about the image
If you were to ask me the biggest problem with basketball compared tot he other leagues its really simple. the NFL and MLB have farm systems in the NCAA and minor league baseball respectively.
In both of those leagues it is typical for a player to get 3 to 4 years of development time In basketball you are lucky for a HS prospect worth a flip to go to college for even a year. As such the fundamental skills have dropped across the league. With an 82 game schedule practices are infrequent where as in college and in development leagues the games are more spread out to allow teaching.
The NBA did create a development league and it is starting to pay dividends as teams are sending draft picks there to get instruction rather than have them sit on abench but its going to be around a decade until these players really start to saturate the league.
But to say that the rating are down because of image when the biggest markets are in the toilet and they just got out of a lockout is laughable. i wonder how the NFLs rating were after their strike in the early 80s.