No doubt it raises questions about inconsistency but that's nothing new. So based on how I interpret the article, at the point in time he was suspended (before his journal and other facts from the police investigation were made available) he was suspended for one game based on an accusation that, at the time, may or may not been valid from what they knew. Seems fair enough, based on what they knew. If they ran around suspending everyone for 6 games based on accusations that weren't proven there would be trouble.
*From my understanding, the rest of his issues weren't known to the Giants or NFL until after the investigation at which point he was released immediately.
Fast forward to Zeke's case. I agree that from what we know it seems bias and similar to the Brown case (again, based on what they knew at the time, not later) but after the facts came out the NFL looked like idiots. IMO it was due to the Brown case that took Zeke's investigation so long, they already had egg on their face once and didn't want the same thing to happen again. Just like DV is now taken much more seriously after the Ray Rice case then it was before hand, any accusation of DV is only going to be more and more scrutinized as time goes on. IMO, it has nothing to do with Zeke being a Cowboy or Brown being a Giant. The NFL messed up, looked like idiots, and don't want it to happen again.
What concerns me is that after the Brown case, and after they took this long investigating Zeke, you would think the NFL has all their ducks in a row as far as evidence and/or enough facts and reason to support their case. I find it hard to believe that the NFL is that stupid and arrogant to suspend him for six games based on only what we know or with nothing to stand on. If Zeke is truly innocent then he will appeal and win. Personally I'm willing to bet the truth lies somewhere between which gives the NFL the benefit of the doubt, not Zeke. Even if the NFL didn't find any hard evidence that he physically abused her, if they found out he was dishonest about ANYTHING then he will be found guilty. To the NFL, it doesn't matter if the girl lied, she's not an employee, Zeke is and he's their responsibility. If Zeke does appeal, he better be dang sure he didn't lie about a single thing because if he did, and they have evidence of that, it will only look that much worse for him, Jerry and the Cowboys organization.
Jerry better keep smooching.