That article doesn't make much sense to me. We're not as good as the Saints, Packers, Patriots and Colts? That's a big newsflash.
In very recent memory... the Colts, one of the teams he specifically mentioned, lost one player for 16 games and ended the season with the #1 overall draft pick which almost instantly helped put them back into contention.
Now before you start crying foul... I'm not saying any injury we had is on par with losing Peyton Manning for the year, but just trying to throw some perspective out there. It's not so much how many injuries, but who they are and where they are coming from. We took a lot of hits on the same side of the field, in the same positions to some key players. We didn't do as good of a job of recovering from injury as the Packers or even Bears who lost their starting QBs... am I mad about that... yes, but I'm not making an excuse when I say injuries were a pretty big factor as to why we were 8-8. We pretty literally were pulling guys off the street to start for us. And even with all our troubles there we were facing the 2nd least injury ravaged team in the league for the division title in the final game of the season and lost the game by two points on an interception on the final drive by our backup quarterback.
That's not an excuse, we should have done better, but it certainly would have been nice if we wouldn't have had to deal with all those injuries... who knows, the Eagles might be just as bad as we are with overcoming injury issues... the problem is we'll never know because they didn't have to do so.