There are two reasons why you won't see consistency in situations like this. 1, people may read and recognize positive points that they disagree with, but a lot of posters simply don't take the time to try to explode them if they're positive. Not because they necessarily agree with them, but because for a lot of us, that's just not much fun.
The other reason is that people aren't usually blathering idiots all the time. There are plenty of 'I usually can't stand the guy, but I actually agree with JJT here' posts in these threads, because some takes are just better than others. In this case, Goose was less making an argument than he was just relaying what he believes the coaches happen to think. You're not going to say much to that other than 'I disagree with the coaches,' which is a sentiment that's pretty much expressed in every single thread at one point or another if they go on long enough.