This may have already been discussed, but I haven't been on the board much lately. Sorry if I missed it.
I am totally against this whole "HBO Hard Knocks" thing.
It is a total distraction for the players, nothing more.
It does nothing to prepare them for the season, which if I'm not mistaken is what training camp is for.
It's not like we need the publicity, we don't, we are already the Dallas 'freakin' Cowboys !
It serves no constructive purpose.
This team needs to focus, .. focus on finishing the season strong, .. focus on showing up in the playoffs and making a deep run, focus on being their best, focus on leaving no stone unturned in the effort to get better.
They don't NEED this distraction.
Even the most mature and focused of players can't help but notice that HBO cameras are all over the place, filming everything they do and say.
I just see no point in it, other than making money.
In the movie Remember the Titans, the coaches took them away prior to the season to be together. Away from all distractions, to bond, to focus, to come together as a team.
Thats what training camp should be, .. a circling of the wagons so to speak, build the 'us against the world' mindset.
Instead we will be schmucking it up for the cameras, it's just human nature.
I have coached for 16 years, (not at this level obviously) but I firmly believe that what you accomplish in the pre-season lays the foundation for the season. It determines what your team will become, or "can" become throughout the season.
Training camp is too critical to insert this HBO crap and think that it won't have an impact.
I'm disappointed. That's my .02