Greg Hardy Interview


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Greg Hardy Interview
October 23, 2009

The NFL is always looking for pass rushers and few in the college game can get after the quarterback like Greg Hardy of Ole Miss. Not only does Hardy possess an outstanding blend of size, speed and athleticism but he translates that talent over to the field on gameday and consistently converts his potential into production. Many consider Hardy to be the premier senior defensive end prospect for the 2010 NFL Draft but he also has the ability to play outside linebacker at the next level and that versatility should help him on Draft Day. Hardy is currently focused on making the most of his final season with the Rebels and improving his draft stock but the future first round pick was kind enough to take a few minutes out of his very busy schedule to answer some questions posed by Scott Wright of Draft Countdown.

Scott Wright: What is your accurate height, weight and forty time?
Greg Hardy: 6-51/2 | 267 | 4.67

Scott Wright: You gave serious consideration to declaring for the 2009 NFL Draft after your junior season and there were even rumors that you had already begun training for the Scouting Combine. How close were you to going pro and what kind of feedback did the NFL’s Underclassmen Advisory Panel give you?
Greg Hardy: It was one of those things where I took all of the precautions so I could train right up until the deadline and weigh all of my options just in case. I don’t know how close you would call that. The NFL said third round but according to a lot of people they are cautious so I wasn’t worried about that.

Scott Wright: Many feel that in addition to defensive end you might also be capable of playing outside linebacker at the next level. Are you open to playing another position and what are your thoughts on the subject?
Greg Hardy: Definitely. I played outside linebacker and middle linebacker in high school so I’m familiar with the position. I’m happy to play wherever I’m needed.

Scott Wright: You have battled some injuries the past couple of years, most notably a foot problem, and scouts are concerned about your durability. Can you talk about the injuries that you have dealt with and where you are health-wise now?
Greg Hardy: It’s football, if you don’t get injured you’re not playing hard enough. Foot injuries are something that’s pretty serious when it comes to football but it’s a nagging injury and something that once I get to the NFL will be well managed. I feel good right now, I’ve been able to practice but during the season you don’t get a lot of time to recover. Once I get some time to rest after the season I feel like it won’t be a problem.

Scott Wright: You have had some minor clashes with coaches and some have questioned your work ethic, toughness and overall football character. How do you respond to those claims?
Greg Hardy: I try not to listen to them and just keep my head on straight. In the past some coaches have “butted heads” with me and the media has turned it into something else but I can’t really control that. I just do the best I can. I’m not a trouble maker and I’ve never been in trouble, knock on wood. I was young when I started college as a freshman and I messed up but it was over exaggerated. It’s under control and I’ve learned from my mistakes like everybody does.

Scott Wright: What would you say is your greatest strength as a football player and what area do you need to work on?
Greg Hardy: My strength is my work ethic. I feel like I can always be better. I’m fast but everybody’s fast. I’m big but there’s always somebody bigger. It’s just getting better, going out there and mastering my craft. For things I need to get improve… It was my size but I got the size now so I’m getting back to my speed and trying to pick up some of what I lost through surgeries and downtime on this foot.

Scott Wright: What current NFL defensive end do you most admire and who do you think you compare favorably to?
Greg Hardy: Simeon Rice and Derrick Burgess. They’re undersized speed rushers who dominated in the NFL. I model my game after them because I haven’t always been the biggest but I’ve had the speed most of my life.

Scott Wright: What is your greatest football moment to date?
Greg Hardy: I really couldn’t call it, there’s been a lot of things.

I guess catching my first touchdown.

Scott Wright: Who is the best opposing player you have faced during your career?
Greg Hardy: Not including Ole Miss players like Michael Oher?

Okay, definitely Andre Smith. He’s a competitor.

Scott Wright: Is there one younger player at Ole Miss that you see developing into a star, either at the college or pro level?
Greg Hardy: Most definitely. Kentrell Lockett (Junior Defensive End) right now is playing pretty good. He’s putting on weight, getting a little speed and getting comfortable. I feel like once he develops and has his time to shine he’ll come through.

Scott Wright: Two of your former Rebel teammates were first round picks last year. Do you still stay in touch with Peria Jerry or Michael Oher and have they given you any advice about what to expect in the coming months?
Greg Hardy: Michael a little bit at first but I try to stay out of those guys hair and let them work and handle their business. I talked to Peria recently to see if he was okay (season ending injury) and how I should go about things. They gave me some good insight and said it’s a business basically.

Scott Wright: Who was your favorite college or pro team growing up?
Greg Hardy: I didn’t watch college football growing up.

My favorite pro team is whoever picks me.

Scott Wright: Did you have a favorite player?
Greg Hardy: I liked Vince Young back in high school, he was a beast at Texas.

Scott Wright: When did you realize that you had a future in football beyond college?
Greg Hardy: I guess back in high school, my junior year when I found out I started to get ranked in the nation. People knew my name, I started to get college letters and I started to realize how much faster and better I could be.

Scott Wright: What current pro are you looking forward to going up against in the NFL?
Greg Hardy: There’s a lot of people. Just to be on the same playing field as Peyton Manning, Eli Manning, who I’ve seen plenty of times, and to get back on the field with Patrick Willis. A lot of people.

Scott Wright: When you get your first NFL paycheck what is the first thing you will buy?
Greg Hardy: That I couldn’t tell you, I’m going to try and save it!

Scott Wright: What do you plan to do once your playing career is over?
Greg Hardy: I’m a graphic design artist right now so I just want to build on that, developing my skills and business.

Scott Wright: What is the most embarrassing song on your iPod?
Greg Hardy: “Smooth Criminal” by Alien Ant Farm.

Scott Wright: It’s obviously still early but do you intend to play in the Senior Bowl if invited?
Greg Hardy: That’s a decision I’ll have to make after the season.

It depends on how my season went and my health.

Scott Wright: Do you have any goals in mind when it comes to the NFL Draft?
Greg Hardy: You always have to be selected and you always want to be at the top. Right now I’m just trying to play my hardest and hope I go where I deserve to go.

Scott Wright: I appreciate the time. Take care