theogt;3385001 said:
You do realize BP did not own or operate the oil rig, don't you?
Most oil companies do not own their rigs infact almost all the rigs you see are owned by companies like, Trans ocean, brown root etc etc.
This includes your BP, Exxon, Chevron and then your little guys what they do is lease the rigs from these companies and usually staff them with a few of there guys then with a lot of contractors a lot of times from the company that they got the rig from or sometimes out right just pay them to manage the rig for them. BP and Trans Ocean have been partners for a long time so yes it was a BP rig in a way.
Then on top of that it may be a BP rig cam mean several different things they could hold the rights to the area being drilled and the primary operator but they may have other oil companies with a % of investments in the rigs and get a cut of the profit for putting up x amount of dollars on initial drilling to get X % of the profits of the top.
In fact one oil company I worked with extended all our lease for so many years and we did not have plans to use them but their was a shortage of rigs so the company was approached by other oil companies saying hey let us use your rig with no other investment and we will give x% profit off the top. Yea talk about some leverage and so easy money for them.