Gun Owners: Opinions on the XD .45?


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I have been thinking of getting the Springfield Armory XD .45 for a few months now but I have yet to shoot one. I held one and liked how it felt, but it was unloaded at the time.

I have heard nothing but good things about this gun and it does not hurt to have the free accessories that are included with it.

Anyone here own one or shoot one? What do you think of it? Is it worth the $480 or should I wait for the price to possibly drop when the craze over this gun drops.
Never shot one. I have a Sig P220 (.45 cal) and it's a sweet gun. My dad calls it the "cadillac of hand guns."

I'm probably gonna raffle it off soon though. I don't fire it very often. Probably used it for a total of 10 hours and I've had it about 10 years. I want to raffle it off and buy myself a Desert Eagle. I figure if I'm not gonna shoot that often, might as well have a more "exotic" gun.

This is the one I plan on getting...

Ahh, a D eagle. My friend has a .50 D eagle and that thing is just filthy. Freaking hand cannon.

That and my Colt Single Action Army feel like the fingers of God pointing.
calico said:
Ahh, a D eagle. My friend has a .50 D eagle and that thing is just filthy. Freaking hand cannon.

That and my Colt Single Action Army feel like the fingers of God pointing.


Yeah I figure I'll have to mount the darn thing to a tank before I actually fire it. :D

I would have the gun already if I wasn't so lazy about going to get the raffle tickets printed out for my sig.
Rack said:

Yeah I figure I'll have to mount the darn thing to a tank before I actually fire it. :D

I would have the gun already if I wasn't so lazy about going to get the raffle tickets printed out for my sig.

Are you donating it to a raffle?? What is the story with that? The problem with the D eagle is the freaking cost of ammo. You can get it at good prices online, but I was forced to buy it at my local indoor range at $38 for a box of 20.
calico said:
Are you donating it to a raffle?? What is the story with that? The problem with the D eagle is the freaking cost of ammo. You can get it at good prices online, but I was forced to buy it at my local indoor range at $38 for a box of 20.

Not "donating" it. Just gonna hold the raffle. Proceeds go directly to me. :D

I don't think people will mind paying $15 for the chance to win an $800 gun.

And about the ammo, yeah it's expensive, but I rarely ever go shoot. I have like 3 boxes of ammo for my gun (also included in the raffle!) that I've had for years. I was at a ranch about a year ago and I shot the gun then. Before that it had been about 5 years or more since I shot it. It's still basically a new gun.
Sounds good. Yeah, I would buy a ticket for that price.
I own a Sig P226. Love it. Smooth recoil, and I always get a good grouping from 25yds out.
Rack said:
Never shot one. I have a Sig P220 (.45 cal) and it's a sweet gun. My dad calls it the "cadillac of hand guns."

I'm probably gonna raffle it off soon though. I don't fire it very often. Probably used it for a total of 10 hours and I've had it about 10 years. I want to raffle it off and buy myself a Desert Eagle. I figure if I'm not gonna shoot that often, might as well have a more "exotic" gun.

This is the one I plan on getting...

I have the Sig P220 as well and I love it. It's the best .45 I've ever shot. But I love Sigs in general, so maybe I'm biased.

That Eagle looks pimp-licious! :D
You're gonna put your eye out with that thing!:shootfoot
calico said:
I have been thinking of getting the Springfield Armory XD .45 for a few months now but I have yet to shoot one. I held one and liked how it felt, but it was unloaded at the time.

I have heard nothing but good things about this gun and it does not hurt to have the free accessories that are included with it.

Anyone here own one or shoot one? What do you think of it? Is it worth the $480 or should I wait for the price to possibly drop when the craze over this gun drops.
I asked a Police Officer friend of mine here. He still prefers his Glock, but he did say that he likes the ambidextrous clip release and the weight of the gun. Other than that, I got nothing.

I had a Colt. .45 auto that I traded my brother for his computer and gave it to my kids. That was a nice gun.

I still prefer wheel guns. They never misfire and are easy to clean. Besides they look old west.
Hostile said:
I asked a Police Officer friend of mine here. He still prefers his Glock, but he did say that he likes the ambidextrous clip release and the weight of the gun. Other than that, I got nothing.

I had a Colt. .45 auto that I traded my brother for his computer and gave it to my kids. That was a nice gun.

I still prefer wheel guns. They never misfire and are easy to clean. Besides they look old west.
I'm with you



At one time I drove a 113 and had to go out and provide medical support for tankers when they were doing there qualifications.

The best things about tanks, where you could put your MRE on the tank exhaust for a few seconds and then have a hot meal lol

Back on topic...

I think I will try to persuade my wife's grandfather to sell or give me his Luger he got in WWII.

I am really not a gun person, always perferred knives but I would like to have that gun.
Hostile said:

Or let them...


yeah, haha.

I can't wait to get out of here. It felt like a huge weight was being lifted off my shoulders as I typed my notice to vacate.
calico said:
I have been thinking of getting the Springfield Armory XD .45 for a few months now but I have yet to shoot one. I held one and liked how it felt, but it was unloaded at the time.

I have heard nothing but good things about this gun and it does not hurt to have the free accessories that are included with it.

Anyone here own one or shoot one? What do you think of it? Is it worth the $480 or should I wait for the price to possibly drop when the craze over this gun drops.

Calico. You can't beat the price for this pistol. Especially with the accessories. It is a solidly built pistol (croatia) and not real finicky about shootin' dirty. You don't have to keep it real clean and still maintain reliability. The Glocks are the same kind of weapon. Drag 'em through the mud and drown them in a river and they'll still fire. Very basic in it's design and manufacture, but works every time. I think this is why most law enforcement personnell prefer them.
The XD is a polymer frame so the recoil is gonna be a little more than say that of the 1911 model .45 ACP. However the .45 ACP ammo is more of a "push" when fired as opposed to a sharp retort of the .40 auto or the 9mm stuff.

I don't know what kind of a shooter you are but this gun will hold a decent pattern for you. Decent enough for target plinkin' and excellent for home defense. Let me put it to you this way.... This gun will shoot as good as you do. The break down is simple. I've heard of no misfires and/or stove piping shells after several hundred rounds.
The Price will not go down. $480.00 is a steal for just about any Springfield IMO. I'm trying my best to get one soon, before the price goes up.
If you're wanting one and can afford it I would recommend it. The price will do nothing but go up. Everyone wants the polymer stuff these days.
Hell, I still love blasting my old smoke pole. Nothing like loading powder, patch and ball then tamping with the ram rod and blasting 180 grain of .50 cal lead.
Nothing like black powder shootin'!!!
thats7 said:
Calico. You can't beat the price for this pistol. Especially with the accessories. It is a solidly built pistol (croatia) and not real finicky about shootin' dirty. You don't have to keep it real clean and still maintain reliability. The Glocks are the same kind of weapon. Drag 'em through the mud and drown them in a river and they'll still fire. Very basic in it's design and manufacture, but works every time. I think this is why most law enforcement personnell prefer them.
The XD is a polymer frame so the recoil is gonna be a little more than say that of the 1911 model .45 ACP. However the .45 ACP ammo is more of a "push" when fired as opposed to a sharp retort of the .40 auto or the 9mm stuff.

I don't know what kind of a shooter you are but this gun will hold a decent pattern for you. Decent enough for target plinkin' and excellent for home defense. Let me put it to you this way.... This gun will shoot as good as you do. The break down is simple. I've heard of no misfires and/or stove piping shells after several hundred rounds.
The Price will not go down. $480.00 is a steal for just about any Springfield IMO. I'm trying my best to get one soon, before the price goes up.
If you're wanting one and can afford it I would recommend it. The price will do nothing but go up. Everyone wants the polymer stuff these days.
Damn, that was full of good insight.
thats7 said:
Calico. You can't beat the price for this pistol. Especially with the accessories. It is a solidly built pistol (croatia) and not real finicky about shootin' dirty. You don't have to keep it real clean and still maintain reliability. The Glocks are the same kind of weapon. Drag 'em through the mud and drown them in a river and they'll still fire. Very basic in it's design and manufacture, but works every time. I think this is why most law enforcement personnell prefer them.
The XD is a polymer frame so the recoil is gonna be a little more than say that of the 1911 model .45 ACP. However the .45 ACP ammo is more of a "push" when fired as opposed to a sharp retort of the .40 auto or the 9mm stuff.

I don't know what kind of a shooter you are but this gun will hold a decent pattern for you. Decent enough for target plinkin' and excellent for home defense. Let me put it to you this way.... This gun will shoot as good as you do. The break down is simple. I've heard of no misfires and/or stove piping shells after several hundred rounds.
The Price will not go down. $480.00 is a steal for just about any Springfield IMO. I'm trying my best to get one soon, before the price goes up.
If you're wanting one and can afford it I would recommend it. The price will do nothing but go up. Everyone wants the polymer stuff these days.
Hell, I still love blasting my old smoke pole. Nothing like loading powder, patch and ball then tamping with the ram rod and blasting 180 grain of .50 cal lead.
Nothing like black powder shootin'!!!

Thank you for that response...that was more than I could have asked for.

This would be my first semi-auto to own. I own a couple of revolvers (S&W .357 and a Colt SA .45) and a shot gun.

I have shot several semiautos before (9mm .40, .45, .50), but not as much as the revolvers.

I don't have the money for one right now, but my tax return will give me more than enough.

I think I might treat myself to an XP .45 in few weeks :shoot1:


Have you heard about the problems with the mags recently? Several forums have owners complaining that the mags warp after about 1500 rounds and have to be pulled out...this also leads to stove piping and fails to fire. At first Springfield armory replaced the mags for free, but now they are looking into it.

Maybe all that .45acp in there might be a little too much for it.

Here is a link to one of the forums where it is reported

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