Guy jumps out of way so ball can hit girlfriend

WoodysGirl;3492455 said:
Am I the only one who thinks she should've jumped out of the way, too? Doesn't excuse him, but she saw the ball, too. Move girl...

Well, I think it's on him myself. I totally get what your saying WG but he's standing there with his hands out like he's going to catch the ball. At the last minute he pulls a Lucy on the girl. If I were the girl, I'd probably expect him to catch the ball.
ABQCOWBOY;3492747 said:
Well, I think it's on him myself. I totally get what your saying WG but he's standing there with his hands out like he's going to catch the ball. At the last minute he pulls a Lucy on the girl. If I were the girl, I'd probably expect him to catch the ball.
Like I said, I'm not excusing him. He absolutely pulled a Lucy. That said, he pulled it quick enough for her to move and not let the ball hit her. She sat there like a lump and got hit. She could've at least tried to catch it herself.

TBH, they seem perfect for each other. Dumb and dumber.
This should be a Web Redemption feature on Tosh.O.

They should recreate this scenario and let the girl jump out of the way at the last minute and let the ball drill that guy in the package .... if he has one.
Chief;3492811 said:
This should be a Web Redemption feature on Tosh.O.

They should recreate this scenario and let the girl jump out of the way at the last minute and let the ball drill that guy in the package .... if he has one.

WoodysGirl;3492790 said:
Like I said, I'm not excusing him. He absolutely pulled a Lucy. That said, he pulled it quick enough for her to move and not let the ball hit her. She sat there like a lump and got hit. She could've at least tried to catch it herself.

TBH, they seem perfect for each other. Dumb and dumber.


what do you expect from a guy who doesnt even know how to wear his cap?:cool:
That was the only ball that touched her that night. :lmao:

I would but I have a headache and my arm hurts. :lmao2:
poke;3492933 said:
what do you expect from a guy who doesnt even know how to wear his cap?:cool:


He's trying to look like urijah.:)
Doomsday101;3492937 said:
That was the only ball that touched her that night. :lmao:

I would but I have a headache and my arm hurts. :lmao2:

Chief;3493012 said:

Unfair part is only woman have the ability to withhold when they are mad at you. Us guys tend to be lousy at withholding. :laugh2:
They've already been on CBS Today over this event. Dude's name is Beau. Go figure. ******bag.
laythewood28;3494485 said:
She dumped him.:lmao:

The video of a young woman being struck by a foul ball at Monday's Houston Astros game when her boyfriend moved out of the way may have contributed to the couple's break-up.

Bo Wyble and Sara Saco-Vertiz, the pair who became famous on the internet after the video of the foul ball went viral, made a trip to New York on Thursday to appear on CBS' "Early Show," where they were interviewed by Harry Smith.

Towards the end of the interview, Smith asked if they were still together.

They looked at each other and giggled, before Saco-Vertiz said "I mean, it's not over because of the ball." Before she could continue, Smith cut her off, saying "There's more than we want to know."

The two admitted they moved up from their original seats at Minute Maid Park during the game between the Astros and the Atlanta Braves, to the seats where the foul ball landed.

Saco-Vertiz said the pain after the ball hit her was "a six out of ten."

Then, Wyble was given a stern lecture on chivalry by Smith.

"In normal human life, if a foul ball comes your way, you know what men do?," Smith said. "They stand up and they catch the foul ball. That's what men do."

"Oh," Wydle replied sheepishly.

Smith then gave Wydle a chance to explain himself.

"I stood up to catch it and when it got close, I lost sight of it, so I moved," Wyble said. "I figured she wasn't sitting still, I figured she had moved."

A couple seconds of awkward silence follwed before Smith incredulously asked "That's it? That's all you got?"

Wyble said if he had the chance to relive that night, he would stand in front of his then-girlfriend and let the ball hit him in the back.

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