Ha Ha! Steve Young just misspoke!

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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He just said...

"You continue to need to make plays... doesn't matter if you're down 35-5... I mean 35-0."

What an idiot! I'm going to make fun of him and run him down because he meant to say one thing but instead said another on live television!


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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Danny White;1762876 said:
He just said...

"You continue to need to make plays... doesn't matter if you're down 35-5... I mean 35-0."

What an idiot! I'm going to make fun of him and run him down because he meant to say one thing but instead said another on live television!

Wow! A fellow Elephant as well. You're in trouble, now! I'm tellin'.


White and Nerdy
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i like Emmitt......he may mess up a bit, but the guy knows his football.....he just can't speak all that well yet. He is just a rookie, give him time. I bet if he is given a legit chance, in about 2-3 years he will be a very solid analyst.


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Biggems;1762896 said:
i like Emmitt......he may mess up a bit, but the guy knows his football.....he just can't speak all that well yet. He is just a rookie, give him time. I bet if he is given a legit chance, in about 2-3 years he will be a very solid analyst.

He's not a rookie though. He had a gig on NFL Network previously and wasn't any better.

Big Dakota

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Danny White;1762876 said:
He just said...

"You continue to need to make plays... doesn't matter if you're down 35-5... I mean 35-0."

What an idiot! I'm going to make fun of him and run him down because he meant to say one thing but instead said another on live television!

Fat girls aren't greasy.....oh hell...


The Great Communicator
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thekavorka;1762881 said:
At least people knew what Steve meant
I really didn't have any trouble understanding what Emmitt meant either. Yeah he said "conference" when he meant "division" but how dense do you have to be to not be able to figure that one out?


If Coach would have put me in, we'd a won State
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I love emmitt, don't get me wrong, but when he speaks on tv, I can't help but think that the entire world is laughing at anything Dallas.

I want to defend him when people crack jokes. But I can't. I just can't. Try as I might, but he's just so, so, so bad.

If that were a guy from any other team, we'd all be having a feild day on him, and rightfully so.


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FuzzyLumpkins;1762910 said:
yeah like people couldnt figure out that Emmitt meant to say division.

Uh, read my post in the Emmitt thread. I knew what Emmitt meant too.

When I first posted in this thread, I didn't realize it was a response to the Emmitt thread since I saw this one first (this thread was closer to the top of the board).

I thought he created this thread in response to previous Emmitt threads from previous weeks where it was clear Emmitt had no way to articulate his thoughts, and no one knew what he was talking about.

JackMagist;1762909 said:
I really didn't have any trouble understanding what Emmitt meant either. Yeah he said "conference" when he meant "division" but how dense do you have to be to not be able to figure that one out?



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Danny White;1762876 said:
He just said...

"You continue to need to make plays... doesn't matter if you're down 35-5... I mean 35-0."

What an idiot! I'm going to make fun of him and run him down because he meant to say one thing but instead said another on live television!
:clap2: i like you Danny White.

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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EMMITTnROY;1762935 said:
:clap2: i like you Danny White.

I just don't get it.

Of all the inarticulate morons and mouth-breathers on ESPN, why do people feel the need to bag on Emmitt for every malapropism that crosses his lips?

Give a Cowboy a break for cryin' out loud!


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Danny White;1762968 said:
I just don't get it.

Of all the inarticulate morons and mouth-breathers on ESPN, why do people feel the need to bag on Emmitt for every malapropism that crosses his lips?

Give a Cowboy a break for cryin' out loud!

And this Cowboy in particular. The man was the #1 reason why we won 3 Super Bowls in the 90s and have bragging rights over every other fan in the NFL. I don't care if he sounded like a drunk, stuttering Fran Drescher when he talked, the man brought me a lot of happiness and a ton of great memories. I could never trash him. Much less for something to do with speech. Guess what guys, ESPN didn't hire Emmitt because he can quote Shakespeare and because he got an A+ in his 7th grade English class. They hired him because he is a football legend who knows the game and because he is someone that stands for success, class, likability and character. Most of which some of you guys are lacking when you attack a guy because of speech problems.


Well-Known Member
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My 2 cents: I love my Cowboys and Emmitt as a Player. But have any of you met Emmitt? He is one arrogant ******. I laugh when he speaks because his arrogance makes him look stupid. I hope he turns things around and becomes a great mediot. However, I don't beleive Emmitt will ask for help and will continue to struggle. Come back down to earth Emmitt, you were a great running back but your talent as a mediot is less than average. The Dallas Fans fans will often overlook your idiocy, but the rest of the NFL is laughing their ***** off. Get it together and stop embarrasing the yourself.


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EMMITTnROY;1763006 said:

And this Cowboy in particular. The man was the #1 reason why we won 3 Super Bowls in the 90s and have bragging rights over every other fan in the NFL. I don't care if he sounded like a drunk, stuttering Fran Drescher when he talked, the man brought me a lot of happiness and a ton of great memories. I could never trash him. Much less for something to do with speech. Guess what guys, ESPN didn't hire Emmitt because he can quote Shakespeare and because he got an A+ in his 7th grade English class. They hired him because he is a football legend who knows the game and because he is someone that stands for success, class, likability and character. Most of which some of you guys are lacking when you attack a guy because of speech problems.

That would be Joey Theesman you were describing. :lmao2:

Totally agree with you though. Having done a lot of public speaking I can tell you there are times when I am smooth as silk and times when I sound like an idiot, stumbling over my words, unable to think straight, come up with the words I want to use, lots of "ums", losing my train of thought, and um.. other stuff. :rolleyes:

I will give Emmitt a pass for a while and see if improves over time. If not then he should probably find other employment but for now let's wait and see. At least he doesn't sound like fingernails on a chalkboard like Theesman did. :mad: Aaaaarrrrgh!!!