Hair Loss

CanadianCowboysFan;3600351 said:
well it is true that a man is only as old as the woman he feels but when you are old and bald, you usually cannot pull in the young ones.

Well def not the 18-19 year olds you go after.. Some of us "adults" do have standards and age limits while nearing 40. :lmao2:
CanadianCowboysFan;3600351 said:
well it is true that a man is only as old as the woman he feels but when you are old and bald, you usually cannot pull in the young ones.

Depends on the funds you have. If Mick Jagger and Keith Richard can hang with babes a bald man with cash can feel awfully young. :laugh1:
cowboyeric8;3599636 said:
Any products out there to help slow it down, or improve your hair?

You can buy hair vitamins that have natural ingredients such as folic acid to speed up hair growth.

If you have thinning hair, the best suggestion would be to cut it close. Not too close though.
Finally sucked it up about 3 years ago and have used the clips ever since. 0 guard here. Feel a lot better about myself too!
Aikmaniac;3600508 said:
Finally sucked it up about 3 years ago and have used the clips ever since. 0 guard here. Feel a lot better about myself too!

Once you can suck it up and do it, you DO feel a lot better about yourself. Way better than this cat.

AbeBeta;3600334 said:
but don't be the loser rocking the shaved head and goatee look.

that ship sailed years ago

Well, you know what they say. Judge not least you be...Dragged out behind the bar and beaten. ;)
I dunno if you want a woman's opinion or not, but I'm going to give it to you anyway. The receding look is not cool, but the shaved, bald head is very sexy. Also, the thinning, trying to save my hair, lets comb it over looks bad too. You can cover it with a hat and look fine, but looks like crap when you take it off.

Another product you might want to look into is NIOXIN. I have used it when my Lupus relapses as I have lost most of my hair from the disease and the medications. NIOXIN is good for cleaning out the pours in your scalp. They have a big line and you can get it at most salons. I think Target and Walmart sell it on the shelves too. Get the shampoo, conditioner, and the liquid solution (similar to Rogain).

Take vitamins. E and fish oil is very good for hair growth.

Drink lots of milk. I don't like it very much, but sometimes I get into a milk drinking phase and my hair grows extremely fast. My friend just cut off a foot of hair and it's still in the middle of her back, but she drinks like a half gallon of milk a day.
Warick;3600281 said:
If your forehead is turning into a 5, 6, or even 8 head, go ahead and grab some clippers, and trim it all down.

I started with a #3, or 4, and eventually moved down to the #1. It took a days to get used to it, but once I did, I didn't look back, and honestly, I don't miss having hair at all anymore. Now, I use a 0 cut (no guard), about once every few weeks.

It's great not having to worry about combing my hair, drying, styling, etc. I save quite a bit of money on shampoo also. :D

Aikmaniac;3600508 said:
Finally sucked it up about 3 years ago and have used the clips ever since. 0 guard here. Feel a lot better about myself too!

What's the trick to the 0 guard head shave? My clippers inevitably snag on my oily head and I get divots that bleed for 15 minutes. Or do you just endure the blood running in your eyes and down your back in order to look good?
Idgit;3600985 said:
What's the trick to the 0 guard head shave? My clippers inevitably snag on my oily head and I get divots that bleed for 15 minutes. Or do you just endure the blood running in your eyes and down your back in order to look good?

Forget the clippers. This and a can of shaving cream, is all you need..

CliffnMesquite;3601003 said:

This is exactly what I use every morning. Funny !!! There is no razor on the planet that gets it as close as this razor. Sure it costs your 1st born son to buy new razors for it, but man does it shave close. :D

Hella expensive blades. LoL!
Dallas;3601009 said:
This is exactly what I use every morning. Funny !!! There is no razor on the planet that gets it as close as this razor. Sure it costs your 1st born son to buy new razors for it, but man does it shave close. :D

Hella expensive blades. LoL!

They do cost a lot. But they last a while. I'm still on my first pack. It is the best razor on Earth. I bought the one that vibrates. :)
well I am getting close to 50 and still have a full head of hair :D so I suggest drinking lots of Guinness and eating steak as often as possible
Zaxor;3601108 said:
well I am getting close to 50 and still have a full head of hair :D so I suggest drinking lots of Guinness and eating steak as often as possible

Side effects: Crapping out loaves of bread.
CliffnMesquite;3600936 said:
Well, you know what they say. Judge not least you be...Dragged out behind the bar and beaten. ;)

I don't go to leather bars ... so regrettably we won't have the chance for this scenario to play out
Zaxor;3601108 said:
well I am getting close to 50 and still have a full head of hair :D so I suggest drinking lots of Guinness and eating steak as often as possible

How about a diet of mostly PF Changs? :p:
AbeBeta;3601249 said:
I don't go to leather bars ... so regrettably we won't have the chance for this scenario to play out

Leather bars. Regrettably????.....Oooooookkkkk :laugh2:

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