Happy thanksgiving to all. I hope that today, it's peaceful in the world, which it won't be, but I can hope. I hope that we win today, and that this offense comes to life.
And that all of you on here find some form of happiness and peace, just for today.
Ran into a Commanders fan at the grocery store. He said "Good luck today." I said, "I wont wish you luck because that would be a Lie. I will say Happy Thanksgiving though." He said it back & added "RG3 will be the Sh... today." I came back with "Remove 'THE' & you'd be correct." We both just laughed.
But I am just ready for the game. Let's get this party started.
Happy Thanksgiving Zoners. Enjoy your day in every way.
I am truly thankful for the friends, family, and life that I have at this point. I've been lucky.
I got up this morning and started cooking with my wife. Three of our children are here and two will be arriving soon. These are the memories that I take to my heart. These are the memories that I will keep with me for as long as I live.
My hope is that all of you are able to be with love ones today and enjoy a fine meal with family and friends. I ask that all of you remember that many can not be with their families today. They are far away, some in harms way. To them I say, Godspeed home and Thank You for everything. For those who are caught away from home due to circumstances, to them I say I am sorry for your circumstances and I hope that next year brings you better fortunes.
To all I say Happy Thanksgiving.
"If turkeys thought, they'd run away,
A week before Thanksgiving Day.
But turkeys can't anticipate,
And so there's turkey on my plate!"
NWe won't get an RG3 but we might get Cam Newton in a couple seasons when he decides to leave that horrible Panthers franchise. Whether that's a good or bad thing is up for discussion.