Should be interesting to see if Dallas plays more of the 3-4 this week against the Seahawks. I say that because I specifically recall something Madden said on that Monday night preseason game. It was on the play where DeMarcus sacked/stripped/recovered the ball from Hasselbeck early on in the game. Madden pointed out that against the 3-4 it's the guard that usually blocks the blitzing linebacker as opposed to the tackle.
Sure enough on the replay Walter Jones had picked up the rushing lineman (believe it was Ellis) and Steve Hutchinson had tried to pick up Ware coming off the edge from his OLB position. Ware blew right by him and made the great play we all remember. Seattle of course will have that on tape and will probably make adjustments but if it comes down to Ware vs. Hutchinson on the pass rush I'll take that matchup all day. Ware vs. Jones is another matter.