It's starting to because you're getting teams that are making the playoffs that don't have a winning record. And in general, I agree with Jerry's idea that there should be more teams in the playoffs. But, at the cost of having terrible teams that make the playoffs I don't think is a good idea.
In the NBA, the refs favored the defense. Fouls and hand checking don't get called because they are afraid of fouling out superstars. And the game has suffered because of it.
In the NFL, the rules too greatly favor the offense. So, you're seeing lesser defensive play and you get a game that is so reliant on the QB because of how offenses are designed that an average QB can now be very mediocre and a good QB can be great. There's a really large discrepancy in QB play and I think it's because of the offensive schemes which are created by the rules and it now leads to a wider gap. You're either a good team that wins or you're a bad team that loses. There is no pretty good team that wins more than they lose or a decent team that happens to lose more than they win. You're either a SB contender or you suck.