Hats off to him. I think he's going to be very solid for us. We'll catch you on the flip side, Spencer.
Hats off to him. I think he's going to be very solid for us. We'll catch you on the flip side, Spencer.
Hats off to him. I think he's going to be very solid for us. We'll catch you on the flip side, Spencer.
Selvie's has put consistant pressure on the QB. Hayden has been a plesant surprise as well. Looking forwrd to having Rat and Spencer in the rotation.I wonder how the Rams felt watching him make plays for us?
We are reaping another benefit of converting to a defense that is not popular in the league presently. Players that do not fit in a 3-4, but can fit in ours, will be available. Drake Nevis could be the next value add.
I wonder how the Rams felt watching him make plays for us?
Hats off to him. I think he's going to be very solid for us. We'll catch you on the flip side, Spencer.
Hats off to him. I think he's going to be very solid for us. We'll catch you on the flip side, Spencer.
Hats off to him. I think he's going to be very solid for us. We'll catch you on the flip side, Spencer.
His strength/power has been impressive. I thought his lack of agility would be an issue, but his power more than compensates for this.