Hawaii residents wake up to false alarm of imminent missile attack


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Yikes, someone is going to lose their job. The bars in Hawaii are going to have a good sales day as many people try to calm their nerves.


Hawaii residents wake up to false alarm of imminent missile attack

Hawaii residents woke up to emergency alerts on their phones today about an imminent ballistic missile attack which they later learned was a false alarm.

The emergency alert was sent to people's mobile phones in Hawaii at about 8:08 a.m. local time with the startling words, "BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL."

A spokesman for the U.S. Pacific Command, Dave Benham, told ABC News in a statement that no ballistic missile threat to Hawaii was detected.

"Earlier message was sent in error. State of Hawaii will send out a correction message as soon as possible," Benham said.
They knew. But information was held back. Just google Pearl Harbor warning signs ignored.


The Pearl Harbor attack force was one of the luckiest in history. There were so many ways IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN DETECTED but was not. All evidence something was happening was ignored or explained away. From the sub sighted and attacked more than an hour before the air attack to the radar sighting them as they came in - just incredible when you look at it. No one wanted to believe the Japanese would take that big a risk. Because it was a huge risk; a tremendous gamble. One of the reasons the conspiracy theorists claim that FDR knew about it ahead of time; which was ridiculous.
I bet they were hacked and don’t want to admit it.
Honestly I hope your right.
I mean I would hate to think it was some weird social experiment.
Our government would never do that would they ?;)

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