"We’re also changing eligibility for some part-time associates. We will continue to provide affordable health care to all eligible associates, including part-time, who work more than 30 hours. However, similar to other retailers like Target, Home Depot, Walgreens and Trader Joe’s, we will no longer be providing health benefits to part-time associates who work less than 30 hours. This will impact about 2% of our total U.S. workforce. We will be working with a specialist,
HealthCompare, to personally guide our associates through the process of finding the right, affordable health care."
Goto and shop around. A part time employee at Walmart should be eligible for pretty generous subsidies.
For example, I ran the calculator here:
In Texas, a female working 25 hours at $9 per hour may qualify for Medicaid. If not, she's eligible for $185/mo in tax credits, which would make her premiums less than $50/month.
Here's one for a 25 year old female making 13k/year.