Help I got a guitar!


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Now what the hell do I do with it? My sister bought me a guitar for my birthday. I made an off hand comment at Christmas about how I liked hers. So now I have one.

I have never played so much as a drum before. Help!!!!! :eek:
CliffnMesquite said:
Now what the hell do I do with it? My sister bought me a guitar for my birthday. I made an off hand comment at Christmas about how I liked hers. So now I have one.

I have never played so much as a drum before. Help!!!!! :eek:

A few suggestions...

If you want to learn...

Find someone to teach you.
Buy a begginers video on how to learn
Buy a begginers book.

If you don't want to learn...

Sell the guitar or keep it around to look good

Seriously if you want to learn your best bet is to find someone that plays, and your sister does, and can take the time to get you started.
I have found it always easier to learn guitar if you have someone else that knows some things already and can show you.

Or like I said there are plenty of videos and books out there that can help as well. :cool:
BrAinPaiNt said:
A few suggestions...

If you want to learn...

Find someone to teach you.
Buy a begginers video on how to learn
Buy a begginers book.

If you don't want to learn...

Sell the guitar or keep it around to look good

Seriously if you want to learn your best bet is to find someone that plays, and your sister does, and can take the time to get you started.
I have found it always easier to learn guitar if you have someone else that knows some things already and can show you.

Or like I said there are plenty of videos and books out there that can help as well. :cool:
Unfortinualty my sister is in Ft.Smith. I think I'll hit up half priced books for some beginers books and such. I would like to learn but I dont think the memory of Johnny Cash is in any danger. :D
CliffnMesquite said:
Unfortinualty my sister is in Ft.Smith. I think I'll hit up half priced books for some beginers books and such. I would like to learn but I dont think the memory of Johnny Cash is in any danger. :D

Yes just get some cheap books to start out on.
You might also want to check the library or even the web.

Get one that has chord charts in it....learn the finger placements of those chords and just strum them.

Here is a site that looks to have plenty of the chords....should be able to print them out.

If you are not used to playing guitar I will tell you know that until you get used to it, build up calluses (sp?) on your fingers then it could be a little painful.

But all in all it is quite fun and really helps pass the time, I love playing and there are a few of us, probably more then I know, on this board that plays and would probably be willing to help or at the least try to answer questions.

Later :cool:
"would probably be willing to help or at the least try to answer questions."

Cool. Whats a pick? And what are those chrome knobs at the end of the long neck like thingy for? ;)
CliffnMesquite said:
"would probably be willing to help or at the least try to answer questions."

Cool. Whats a pick? And what are those chrome knobs at the end of the long neck like thingy for? ;)


So did you get an electric guitar or an accoustic?
BrAinPaiNt said:

So did you get an electric guitar or an accoustic?
here it is......

Acoustic Guitar


• Dreadnought size acoustic guitar
• Natural spruce top with mahogany back and sides for full and well-rounded tone
• Rosewood fingerboard and bridge with bridge pins
• Deep tapered body for extra bass tones
• Chrome covered tuning gears
• Rosette inlay
• High gloss protective finish
• "Accuseam" cream binding on body and neck

Is this good?
It looks nice.

I think those are beginners guitars which would be perfect for you as you are....a beginner.

Down the road if you just want to play guitar by yourself and not get too heavy into it then it should be ok.

However if you feel like really getting into it down the road, chances are you will probably want an upgrade.

Once again it is a beginners guitar and your sister was wise in getting that one to start you out as you may not care to play after a little while. getting those fingers used to it, I started on an accoustic and it made my fingers sore, but of course it was an old crappy one and the strings were a mile off the fingerboard.

Normally electrics are easier to learn on however if you can learn on an accoustic then down the road it will make it easy to play an electric.

Guitars can get very expensive and it would be a bad thing to get one that would be very expensive, before you know if you will wind up putting the time into it.

Start off with a beginner guitar (I had that crappy accoustic which was bowed and looked like it lost a fight with sandpaper, and a very cheap electric)....and like I said if you find you just play it once in awhile then you are good to go...and if you find you become obsessed with guitar then you can get a better model down the road.

I hope you have fun learning...It can be frustrating at times learning from books, learning how to pick,strum or finger pick, getting the muscle memory going for your chords and such...but once it starts coming together it is a blast to know you can sit down and make music.

Later :cool:
CliffnMesquite said:
Now what the hell do I do with it? My sister bought me a guitar for my birthday. I made an off hand comment at Christmas about how I liked hers. So now I have one.

Maybe you can form an act, and hit the road?? You always SAID you liked to travel


Don't listen to Brain. . .

First, get a tuner and learn how to tune it.

What you need to do is learn what are called 'open chords'.

This you can find anywhere on the internet.

It will show you basic chords and the position to hold your fingers on the frets when you strum the thing.

Here you go. . .

Try that for a couple weeks just messing with the chords, then get back to me.

First thing is first though.

Learn and memorize the chords.


Note - the black dots indicate where you fingers are to be placed on the frets. Use a pick to stum the chords.
Okay I went and bought a couple of books. One is Mel Bay's Guitar method grade 1 and the other is Mel Bay's guitar Chords. Looking at them I think learning Klingon in brail would be easier. :eek:

But I shall endevor to proceed. I also picked up some picks and a guitar stand so I don't have to lean it in the corner and a guitar strap. The guy laughed when I asked for a sling. :)

Thanks for all the information people.

Hey Cliff. I also live in Mesquite, right by Town east Mall. I've got a couple of beginners VHS tapes that you can have for free.

Also, I'd be happy to show you how to tune it, and restring it, and basic stuff like that.

And the first thing need to learn are your open chords. If you got them books you said, it'll explain open chords in there. If you learn them, and get your muscle memory good enough to where you can quickly form them, I can teach you how to make up a song in about 2 minutes.

1-5-4 chords.

PM me if you're interested.
CliffnMesquite said:
Okay I went and bought a couple of books. One is Mel Bay's Guitar method grade 1 and the other is Mel Bay's guitar Chords. Looking at them I think learning Klingon in brail would be easier. :eek:

But I shall endevor to proceed. I also picked up some picks and a guitar stand so I don't have to lean it in the corner and a guitar strap. The guy laughed when I asked for a sling. :)

Thanks for all the information people.


Learn G, C, D and A chords to start out.

Keep us posted about your progress.

You're going to have a blast with it.
BrAinPaiNt said:
A few suggestions...

If you want to learn...

Find someone to teach you.
Buy a begginers video on how to learn
Buy a begginers book.

If you don't want to learn...

Sell the guitar or keep it around to look good

Seriously if you want to learn your best bet is to find someone that plays, and your sister does, and can take the time to get you started.
I have found it always easier to learn guitar if you have someone else that knows some things already and can show you.

Or like I said there are plenty of videos and books out there that can help as well. :cool:
Know what you mean. I taught myself to play bass and it gets frustrating learning from a book...

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