Help - sick and cant figure it out


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Heres the story

I'm on vacation overseas and my hotel has a fitness center. I woke up at 6am yesterday to go to the gym. Rarely do I lift weights without eating but the protein stand wasn't open when I got there. So I decided to lift ad conutnue on with my typical weight lifting routine! (dumb, yes, I know)

Immediately after my workout I grabbed a protein bar and then proceeded to eat a small salad with eggs and tuna.

Since yesterday I have been light headed, I've had a fever upwards of 102, and everything that I'm eating and drinking literally comes back out right away (via pissing and crapping (diarrhea) )

I've tried taking fever medication, nothing..I've tried drinking tons and tons of fluids and nothing.

The only thing I haven't tried to replenishing my electrolytes..not sure if that's the problem or not but where I am staying doesn't have gatorade at their home. I just sent my brother to the store in attempts to hopefully find some Gatorade. Again, I'm not even sure if that's the issue or not.

What would you recommend?

Oh, and I have been spending a lot of time on this vacation sun bathing. I almost never sun bath back in the states but I've literally been in the sun every day out here. I've gotten burnt but nothing too bad at all.
That sucks...sounds like food poisoning or dysentery. Happened to my wife while we were in Italy. Go see a doctor. It should be manageable and you will feel better within 24 hours.
First, it's not dumb to lift without eating...

But don't you think it's food poisoning? My guess would be that the eggs or tuna (probably the eggs) were bad. I assume you started feeling bad right after that since you mentioned it.

(edit, jbond thinking the same thing)

Even if you did catch some kind of bug (not hard to believe in a hotel with so many different people in and out) all you can do is try some Kaopectate, stay hydrated and rest... If you really feel dehydrated and think you need electrolytes, you can take Pedialyte, though be warned that some flavors taste pretty nasty.

Good luck!
I've never had food poisoning before, probably why it didn't cross my mind.

Is Gatorade ok to drink if I have food poisoining? Im finding mixed answers online.

Thanks guy
Definitely sounds like food poisoning. Do you take probiotics? They would help in this situation.
Great! Just what I needed. The water broke at the house im staying at..for as often as im using the bathroom, this is a horrible problem.
GloryDaysRBack;4606640 said:
Is Gatorade ok to drink if I have food poisoining? Im finding mixed answers online.
I can't imagine why it wouldn't be... I don't think anything is really "bad" for food poisioning -- what made you sick is in your system and you'll feel like crap until your body expels all of it.

The bad news is that food poisoning is miserable. The good news is that once your body gets rid of the bug, you should feel much better very quickly. In that regard it's different from having being sick from a virus where the recovery is more gradual -- at least in my experience.
Chocolate Lab;4606651 said:
I can't imagine why it wouldn't be... I don't think anything is really "bad" for food poisioning -- what made you sick is in your system and you'll feel like crap until your body expels all of it.

The bad news is that food poisoning is miserable. The good news is that once your body gets rid of the bug, you should feel much better very quickly. In that regard it's different from having being sick from a virus where the recovery is more gradual -- at least in my experience.

Appreciate your help CL!
GloryDaysRBack;4606640 said:
I've never had food poisoning before, probably why it didn't cross my mind.

Is Gatorade ok to drink if I have food poisoining? Im finding mixed answers online.

Thanks guy

I'd actually stay away from high sugar drinks right now. If you do have an infection or some sort of bug, they thrive on sugar/simple carbs.
GloryDaysRBack;4606613 said:
Heres the story

I'm on vacation overseas and my hotel has a fitness center. I woke up at 6am yesterday to go to the gym. Rarely do I lift weights without eating but the protein stand wasn't open when I got there. So I decided to lift ad conutnue on with my typical weight lifting routine! (dumb, yes, I know)

Immediately after my workout I grabbed a protein bar and then proceeded to eat a small salad with eggs and tuna.

Since yesterday I have been light headed, I've had a fever upwards of 102, and everything that I'm eating and drinking literally comes back out right away (via pissing and crapping (diarrhea) )

I've tried taking fever medication, nothing..I've tried drinking tons and tons of fluids and nothing.

The only thing I haven't tried to replenishing my electrolytes..not sure if that's the problem or not but where I am staying doesn't have gatorade at their home. I just sent my brother to the store in attempts to hopefully find some Gatorade. Again, I'm not even sure if that's the issue or not.

What would you recommend?

Oh, and I have been spending a lot of time on this vacation sun bathing. I almost never sun bath back in the states but I've literally been in the sun every day out here. I've gotten burnt but nothing too bad at all.

I'm guessing Staphylococcus Aureus, which is commenly referred to as Cruise Ship Sickness. You find this in places where you have dense groups of people sharing food sources that are likely contaminated. Nursing Homes, Schools, Cruise Ships (thus the name). Typically, this lasts anywhere from 24 to 48 hours, sometimes 72 but not more then that typically. You find this in foods with eggs, salads etc. Symptoms described are consistent. If you experience severe cramping or stomach pain, get to an emergency care facility quickly. This form of food poisoning can attack the kidneys and liver in extreme cases. Also, if you become Jaundice, yellowing of eyes and skin, get to an emergency care facility immediately. That probably means Hepatitis and again, that's also very serious.

Loss of consciousness
Swelling in the Abs
Swelling of joints or rash
vomiting blood or passing blood in your stool
Respiratory Issues
Severe fever spikes
If you can't urinate or your urine is discolored
Severe cramping for a sustained period of time

Any of these symptoms, get to a Doc.

Other then that, drink plenty of fluids (bottled water), tea with lemon and ginger can help. No solid foods, no alcohol, high sugar content, caffeine.

If it continues past 72 hours, get to a Dr. Good luck Glory.
sound like simple food poisoning to me. In my experience it is usually a 12 to 24 hour thing but it is miserable. My only advice is drink water because it is better coming up than stomach acid and pepto won't help and tastes worse coming up than going down. The only thing you can do(if it is indeed food poisoning) is wait till you expel whatever is in your system, it won't end before that time so stay in the bathroom because it is best just to get it all out now. Last time it happened to me in high school I lost 10 pounds in 14 hours, it sucks man I hope it is over soon
See a physician. Do it quickly, as much of the advice here is good, but you need someone to make a diagnosis, first hand. While it sounds like food poisoning, we can't be sure.
Phrozen Phil;4606699 said:
See a physician. Do it quickly, as much of the advice here is good, but you need someone to make a diagnosis, first hand. While it sounds like food poisoning, we can't be sure.

Right it may be food poison, but it can also be complicated by something else, you might need antibiotics.
You do not have food poisoning. You have an infection which is causing your fever and diarrhea. Food poisoning is just different and I'm not going into it here. You have traveler's diarrhea.

If you're at a hotel they will have a physician on call and they can likely get you some medication for it but most cases are self limiting and require only rehydration. Bismuth or Peptobismol sometimes helps. You may eat if you have the appetite and it does not cause worsening of your symptoms. If you're nauseous then sips and chips of ice if really bad or clear liquids.

If you pass blood and/or mucus and get really sick then you must get immediate attention. Same if you have protracted nausea and vomiting.

Don't drink the water. Bottled water is the only way to go when traveling unless you're absolutely sure.
I'm drinking purified water that alright?
GloryDaysRBack;4606740 said:
I'm drinking purified water that alright?

All the advice and info you're getting here is just speculation.
You need to be evaluated by a physician if you can't keep anything down.
Dehydration just makes your illness worse.

I don't simply call in a Rx for my patients under these circumstances, and these are folks that I already know.
GloryDaysRBack;4606740 said:
I'm drinking purified water that alright?

Probably but to be safe drink bottled water unless you're absolutely sure.

What country are u in and how long have u been there and how long have u been sick.

Doc50;4606767 said:
All the advice and info you're getting here is just speculation.
You need to be evaluated by a physician if you can't keep anything down.
Dehydration just makes your illness worse.

I don't simply call in a Rx for my patients under these circumstances, and these are folks that I already know.

I am a physician.
My wife is an ER/OR nurse and I was in med school years back (I quit in year 2). It doesn't sound like food poisoning but an infection of some sorts. I am not sure how long the symptoms have been present but give in up to 36 hours and drink plenty of liquids, re-hydrate, re-hydrate.

If after 36-hours, go see a doctor and get some medication. If after 12 hours you are still vomiting/diarrhea often, go see the doc right away. If it is gradually subsiding, you should be in the clear. Also, if any blood present in your mucus or stool, go to the doc ASAP.

This happened to me a few times in the past too, I am stubborn and just let it run it's course for the most part.

I am in no way saying for you to ignore it, go see a doctor if you feel like you need too. This just sounds like the 24-hour bug to me though and has been going around a lot lately.

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