Herd w/Colin Cowherd"The Cowboys have lost playoff games before. Why would it get so noisy?"


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How does the fan base fall for this?

Going all in? WIth MM ? a new DC and possibly staff? Come on guys, there is no going all in when you back up.

welp another year of laughing at you all, lets get ready to lose in April again.


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I understand the point that Cowherd is making regarding the QB comparison between Jordan Love & Dak P. ; But the Cowboys defensive secondary was so horrifically bad in that game, that the Packers WR's were running up and down the field WIDE OPEN. Granted, J. Love did make some great throws on the rare occasions that the Cowboys mustered up some pressure with a "pass rush", but sadly his efforts were overshadowed by an inept defense that could not make any adjustments all game long. Cowherd is exactly right about Dak though, "Kirk Cousins with legs", but unfortunately, he's paid like Pat Mahomes.

nate dizzle

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Apparently, you don't seem to understand the concept of what "All in for 20XX" means. It means that you mortgage the future for THAT year. The Bucs and Rams got exactly what they signed up for: one great year and then paying the piper for several years.

I get what you are saying though. You would rather be a contender every year than go all in for 2024, but then suck for half a decade. Honestly, I don't really believe that we will get either.
Suck for half a decade? Eagles and Rams went as far as we did this year. Bucs haven't missed the playoffs since their SB win and actually went further than us this year. Half a decade? You're thinking like that because Jerry has you programmed to believe that going all in is too risky and you'll have to suffer for 20 years after. He's been selling that ever since the salary cap came around and we had to go through the cap hell Dave Campo years because Jerry was terrible at managing the cap.


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Jerry is forced to go “all in” now due to the poor personnel decisions and contracts of previous years and a complete lack of contingency plans.


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Wouldn't you agree that both the Eagles and Bills went all in?

Every season two or three teams go all in and sometimes one will get there. True, it seems two teams that went all in won recently, the Rams and Bucs. How have they done since?

Bucs the last two seasons combined: 17-17

Rams the last two seasons combined: 15-19

A single championship is a fleeting moment in time. It passes quickly. I remember when the Cowboys won the SB three out of four seasons. How much does that contribute to my feeling about the current team? Not much at all.
Rams and Bucs both had winning records and playoff appearances (with respectable showings) this year. That's a pretty fast rebound from going all in and being successful. I wish Dallas did that


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Ernie is the most delusional Cowboys fan on X. Micah's lobbed arm punt would be great if there were no defenders on the field.

Not sure what this has to do with this thread, but whatever. It's the offseason.
Oh I see..the David Carr accuracy test need not apply?

Dak Haters drowning in Narratives :facepalm: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: