Here Ye, Here Ye!

Qwickdraw said:
You guys may have to endure his posts...
But I have to endure him in person.
He's one of my good friends here in Skins country. Always has a good analysis to offer before the game and even better excuses afterward. (he would be my best friend if not for those awful maroon and gold panties he prances around in on Sundays)

Michelle Tafoya: "So Brunell, what happened on that 4th and goal when Demarcus Ware caused you to cough the ball up?"
Brunell: "Oh that?... I got spray in my eye."

As always, may the best man win.
Relax, you're QB could be this guy


Yo Quick, you know that you can't pick your family, but you can pick your friends ! Being a Boys fan outta town is tough, most of my friends are Giants fans up here so I feel for ya.

Commander fans say we don't beat them every year, they beat themselves.

So why root for a team that continually beats themselves ?

Heck, most Dreadskin fans are politicians in DC. We know how much people love politicians...
you got me on the whole here ye here ye thing. after a couple mugs of bug juice and a smoke bubble, i'm liable to make that mistake any day of the week.

but as far as my username, i didn't spell Snyder correctly because many boards will not let you use someones legal identity for a username and the Y and N switch is very suttle.

i don't have much time to get on these boards now-a-dayz. i'm on this board about as much as i am on ExtremeSkins, so i don't know much about the Mods on either boards. It's ashame if the mods @ ES do ban non-Skin fans that quickly. As far the guy that "can't believe I haven't been banned yet" remove the thorned twig out from your rectum, lighten up and have some fun. the Pie/Skins game is great and i really look forward to it every year, even if we lose. its guys like you that ruin boards with a trigger happy finger on the ban button. I chose my usernam so you guys could have some fun with it. feel free to bash me and the Skins until your silver and blue in the face..i enjoy reading it. people who actually catch feelings from this are even more ridiculous than my posts ;)
Tell ya another thing. I REALLY miss the old days. Back when it was a heated rivalry. When every game was looked on with nail biting antisipation. Were gonna do our part in building the Boys back up to superbowl contender status. Now you guys gotta do the same. Hate the Eagles, always have. Even though our Skins/Boys rivalry was always heated, I still had respect for those old teams of yours. Something Iv'e never had for the Eagles and their fans. Gotta get it back to the way it was.
I am sure this guy has predicted the Cowboys lose each and everytime they play, however THIS time he feels something different......

Daniel Synder said:
you got me on the whole here ye here ye thing. after a couple mugs of bug juice and a smoke bubble, i'm liable to make that mistake any day of the week.

but as far as my username, i didn't spell Snyder correctly because many boards will not let you use someones legal identity for a username and the Y and N switch is very suttle.
It's no so subtle that it wasn't noticed though.


Actually we have a Guideline that is about player's names. We're lenient on it, but if we needed to we would change a user's name.

That said, I see no issue with it for your name. I can fix it if you want.
Daniel Snyder is too the Commanders what a ringworm is too Joe Theisman. You arent sure whether or not its a good thing or a bad thing, but then again you dont really care :D

Danny Boy: "Oh Mr. Jones, how do I go about getting me one of those SB banners?"

Jerry: :lmao2:
Daniel Synder said:
I may be new to this site but i am not new to this rivalry that some say has died.. but I SAY it is more alive than ever! had we split the games even over the past 6 years or so and been, on and off, poor to mediocre teams (which has been the case anyways) big whoop! but the pies have owned us year in and year out and it has been down right amazing how we invent ways to implode late in pie games. its enough to make you insane if your a skins fan. i am literally beside myself twice a year every year at the ways we invent to blow leads.

statically we've been the better team with the better record over the last 6 or 7 years against the rest of the league (not counting pie games) but couldn't beat the pies if Chads Hutchinsons kareoke career took off and he resigned with the pies and Quincy Carter aquired the franchise to resolve a cocaine debt with Scary Jones and Billy Parcels had a heart attack after a missed extra point and Oscar De La Hoys became the 1st latin head coach in the NFL, we still couldn't win. the year the pies were 1-15 its no secret who you beat.

but regardless of the fact that we have a stale offense and the curse of Jack Kent Cooke over our head (ever since the day i changed the name from his to FedEx and made millions we've been doomed) I still believe we will whoop that *** Monday Night!!!! And i don't give a damn if you guys throw that lop-sided record in our face, it will still be soo sweet! So don't put too much stock in some of the BS you read on these boards like Cowboyz Zone & ExtremeSkins. any kid can get a UserName and Password. Take it from a true veteran Skins fan..i don't care how many times you beat us i still think we're whooping that *** twice a year..eryear! you'd think about the pies the same if your a true pie fan..and with that...

Keep it clean and may the players and not he referees decide the winner. (i would say good luck but i'm not one to BS. i do not wish you good luck. in fact, i wish very bad luck but hey, least i'm honest)

"Lost In TRanslation" is a great film that proves superior acting and writing can take a film much further than a superior budget can.

Who are the 'pies'
is this a new team the 'Commanders' invented to blow off steam of their losing ways.
Hostile said:
It's no so subtle that it wasn't noticed though.


Actually we have a Guideline that is about player's names. We're lenient on it, but if we needed to we would change a user's name.

That said, I see no issue with it for your name. I can fix it if you want.

thats cool, go ahead and fix it if its no big deal to do. thats awfully decent of you. you must be like the Troy Aikman of the Piehole, the only reason i dislike you is because of the squad you play for, but your a pretty cool guy the other 363 days of the year. thx again!

I am sure this guy has predicted the Cowboys lose each and everytime they play, however THIS time he feels something different......


actually i study the teams before making my picks. although i always want the Skins to win, it isn't always realistic. this year we have a good defense and poor offense going against a good offense and a poor defense (compared to the Pies 3 years ago) should be a good close game as usual. the game will come down to however makes the late turnover. which is why i'm glad Brunell is in. he is less likely to lose the game for us (knock on wood)
Ha! It's so much fun knowing we are so deep inside the primitive little Commanders heads. The Cowboys have become diaper Danny's and Fibbs worst imaginable hell-spawned Freddie Krueger nightmare. The continual sweat drenched awakenings has left them with dangling nerves, flaccid and irregular bowel movements. They are both hanging on to reality by a thread and a couple of more consecutive Cowboy wins will be the scissors that snip them into their inevitable permanent residency as guests of the state. Their severely traumatized minds and incoherent dribblings will become required case studies for all aspiring mental health professionals. :p:

:skins: :chainsaw:
I love pastries myself.

I think this game will be closer than most think. I think Dallas pulls away a bit in the 4th quarter and wins by 10. Player of the game will be Bledsoe.
Daniel Synder said:
you got me on the whole here ye here ye thing. after a couple mugs of bug juice and a smoke bubble, i'm liable to make that mistake any day of the week.

but as far as my username, i didn't spell Snyder correctly because many boards will not let you use someones legal identity for a username and the Y and N switch is very suttle.

i don't have much time to get on these boards now-a-dayz. i'm on this board about as much as i am on ExtremeSkins, so i don't know much about the Mods on either boards. It's ashame if the mods @ ES do ban non-Skin fans that quickly. As far the guy that "can't believe I haven't been banned yet" remove the thorned twig out from your rectum, lighten up and have some fun. the Pie/Skins game is great and i really look forward to it every year, even if we lose. its guys like you that ruin boards with a trigger happy finger on the ban button. I chose my usernam so you guys could have some fun with it. feel free to bash me and the Skins until your silver and blue in the face..i enjoy reading it. people who actually catch feelings from this are even more ridiculous than my posts ;)

oh well im gonna have fun just as soon as the last second ticks off the clock at texas Stadium and im cheering for my Boyz that just whipped yalls team again into oblivion.. LONG LIVE THE BOYZ.. Hey guy I dont have anything in my rectum but sure seems like you know the feeling.. Just like the skins to...

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