He's a Growing 6'7", 370-Pound Marvel Who Can Move. and He's in 8th Grade


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As Goodwin shifts his 6'7", 370-pound body, the 10 a.m. bell rings. Wearing a bright purple collared shirt and tan khakis, he walks toward the door, holding the black case that houses his bass clarinet in his left hand. His size 18 shoes and long strides reach the doorway in a matter of steps. He's a foot taller and 200 pounds heavier than anyone in the room.

As he exits, it's easy to see why Goodwin already has five verbal football scholarship offers—including one from Georgia, one of the hottest college football programs in the country. Local schools Louisville, Kentucky and Western Kentucky have offered as well.

They see what cannot be unseen: that this eighth-grader is already larger than most NFL linemen. He's taller than large college players and even NFL Hall of Fame lineman Anthony Munoz.

"He's a real college lineman right now," says Raesean Bruce, Goodwin's middle school coach. When Goodwin gives you a "bro-like" handshake, Bruce says your head basically bashes into his shoulder. "He's just so big, and he doesn't know his real strength yet."

In the strange, proactive and often uncomfortable world of college football recruiting, Goodwin is definitely on the radar of college coaches. While it all seems to be too much, too soon, those closest to Goodwin have been busy preparing him for what may lie ahead.

As Goodwin shifts his 6'7", 370-pound body, the 10 a.m. bell rings. Wearing a bright purple collared shirt and tan khakis, he walks toward the door, holding the black case that houses his bass clarinet in his left hand. His size 18 shoes and long strides reach the doorway in a matter of steps. He's a foot taller and 200 pounds heavier than anyone in the room.

As he exits, it's easy to see why Goodwin already has five verbal football scholarship offers—including one from Georgia, one of the hottest college football programs in the country. Local schools Louisville, Kentucky and Western Kentucky have offered as well.

They see what cannot be unseen: that this eighth-grader is already larger than most NFL linemen. He's taller than large college players and even NFL Hall of Fame lineman Anthony Munoz.

"He's a real college lineman right now," says Raesean Bruce, Goodwin's middle school coach. When Goodwin gives you a "bro-like" handshake, Bruce says your head basically bashes into his shoulder. "He's just so big, and he doesn't know his real strength yet."

In the strange, proactive and often uncomfortable world of college football recruiting, Goodwin is definitely on the radar of college coaches. While it all seems to be too much, too soon, those closest to Goodwin have been busy preparing him for what may lie ahead.


I hope that he keeps himself on the right track so that we can draft him in the future.
Big kid. Needs to make sure he doesn't gain too much weight though.
Well past that point now.

He's headed towards a short life-span.

I assume in a good college program they can "lean" him out to a 330lb range if he puts in the work in the gym and doesn't rely on his mass to simply overpower guys on the field.

But yea, seems like a kid that can easily shoot over 400lbs with his current size for his age. Especially for being in the 8th grade right now. Dunno if he can manage his weight as is or drop it some.
Big kid. Needs to make sure he doesn't gain too much weight though.

That's what I was about to say.

Eating will be his downfall.

He needs to get down to 330.

Someone needs to get a hold of this kid before he gets to a weight that he will have trouble getting back from.

Right now 40 lbs is no problem for a guy that size.
I assume in a good college program they can "lean" him out to a 330lb range if he puts in the work in the gym and doesn't rely on his mass to simply overpower guys on the field.

But yea, seems like a kid that can easily shoot over 400lbs with his current size for his age. Especially for being in the 8th grade right now. Dunno if he can manage his weight as is or drop it some.

Yeah.. I came away more concerned about his health then anything after reading this.

370 pounds for a kid that age is not good.
As Goodwin shifts his 6'7", 370-pound body, the 10 a.m. bell rings. Wearing a bright purple collared shirt and tan khakis, he walks toward the door, holding the black case that houses his bass clarinet in his left hand. His size 18 shoes and long strides reach the doorway in a matter of steps. He's a foot taller and 200 pounds heavier than anyone in the room.

As he exits, it's easy to see why Goodwin already has five verbal football scholarship offers—including one from Georgia, one of the hottest college football programs in the country. Local schools Louisville, Kentucky and Western Kentucky have offered as well.

They see what cannot be unseen: that this eighth-grader is already larger than most NFL linemen. He's taller than large college players and even NFL Hall of Fame lineman Anthony Munoz.

"He's a real college lineman right now," says Raesean Bruce, Goodwin's middle school coach. When Goodwin gives you a "bro-like" handshake, Bruce says your head basically bashes into his shoulder. "He's just so big, and he doesn't know his real strength yet."

In the strange, proactive and often uncomfortable world of college football recruiting, Goodwin is definitely on the radar of college coaches. While it all seems to be too much, too soon, those closest to Goodwin have been busy preparing him for what may lie ahead.

  • I saw that header over on the DRUDGE REPORT yesterday also but didn't feel it warranted my rapt attention at the time,,,it'll be what ?8, or maybe 7 years before GARRETT drafts this Goliath to play 1 tech for us?o_Oo_Oo_O

*cool post though:thumbup:

These colleges are only thinking what he can do for them. This young man's parents need to do what's right for this kid by getting him on a slim down program. His heart will not support his body as big as it is into middle age. It actually disgusts me when adults only see dollar signs when they come across a young man like this.
He's still quite young, I'm going to guess he'll lose weight once his body starts to calm down a bit. He'll get more muscle as he gets older.

The problem actually comes with will he actually stop growing? Reading now that Ohio State is looking to recruit him. If he grows a few more inches, it might take him out of football completely.
Once those hormones wear off and his body normalizes he will have many issues. Overly tall people end up with many issues throughout their lives if he is lucky it is only chronic joint issues.
Once those hormones wear off and his body normalizes he will have many issues. Overly tall people end up with many issues throughout their lives if he is lucky it is only chronic joint issues.

And carrying that kind of weight?

What's he going to weigh when he's not as physically active? 450-500lbs?
Reminds me of Andre The Giant. How this kid is big and growing and how he looks.

Pretty good comparison.

And even Andre was lighter... Back when he started wrestling around 1970 he was of medium build. He could even throw a drop-kick.

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