Hey, pretty cool... my dog training website

Bob Sacamano

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Dude, I must say. Barring playing football and being a trust-fund baby, you have the coolest job...


just trying to get better
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Very nice. Is that your guitar in the Pepper snow clip?


...Abbey someone
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Bob Sacamano;3386160 said:
Dude, I must say. Barring playing football and being a trust-fund baby, you have the coolest job...

It's part time right now...but the goal is to make it full time.

The dogs are the easy part. The owners aren't.

I don't spend much time teaching the dogs. Most of the time is spent with the owners.


...Abbey someone
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ZeroClub;3386414 said:
Very nice. Is that your guitar in the Pepper snow clip?


Yep, that's one of my songs in the background of that clip. :D


just trying to get better
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Juke99;3386471 said:

Yep, that's one of my songs in the background of that clip. :D

The dog is cute. The guitar, exquisite.


...Abbey someone
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ZeroClub;3386474 said:
The dog is cute. The guitar, exquisite.

Thanks very much.

That cute dog was a shelter disaster. 2 years. Every problem behavior one could imagine...and getting worse.

She's still got a bit of junkyard dog in her but for the most part, she's as sweet as can be now.



Arch Stanton

it was the grave marked unknown right beside
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Juke99;3386064 said:

Nice site. Pepper looks like a lovely dog.

Any tips for a 9 year old Dalmation rescue? Roly's always been scared of Thunder and Fireworks. We've tried everything. Other than that he's a bundle of fun.


...Abbey someone
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Arch Stanton;3386712 said:
Nice site. Pepper looks like a lovely dog.

Any tips for a 9 year old Dalmation rescue? Roly's always been scared of Thunder and Fireworks. We've tried everything. Other than that he's a bundle of fun.

I have the same problem with Pepper.

Here's what I'd suggest (but keep in mind, it's really a tough one to condition out of them)

You can start off with non prescription stuff.

Check out the "anxiety wrap" You can pick it up at amazon.

You can add "DAP" Dog Appeasing Pheremones as well.

Benadryl might do the trick. 1 mg per 1lb...so if your dog is 50lbs, 50mgs (I'd start with a smaller dose, just to see the reaction)

Also, I add rescue remedy to her water.

In order to drown out the thunder, you might want to crank up the washing machine and dryer....also, a white noise machine could help.

Finally, there's drugs...Acepromazine, Chlomicalm, and Valium.

I've managed to counter condition my pooch with many things, resource guarding, reactive to strangers, reactive to dogs, pulling on leash, etc etc. Thunder and noise phobia is a tough one because it's strikes them at a very primal level.

Don't listen to the crap about "Don't be kind to the dog because you're reinforcing it" IT's way to primal for that.

Let the dog find its comfort zone, bathroom, basement, close space...use the white noise machine there...also a few bones (if the dog isn't way too distracted) And ride it out.

If you've got any questions, lemme know.

Arch Stanton

it was the grave marked unknown right beside
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Juke99;3386742 said:
I have the same problem with Pepper.

Here's what I'd suggest (but keep in mind, it's really a tough one to condition out of them)

You can start off with non prescription stuff.

Check out the "anxiety wrap" You can pick it up at amazon.

You can add "DAP" Dog Appeasing Pheremones as well.

Benadryl might do the trick. 1 mg per 1lb...so if your dog is 50lbs, 50mgs (I'd start with a smaller dose, just to see the reaction)

Also, I add rescue remedy to her water.

In order to drown out the thunder, you might want to crank up the washing machine and dryer....also, a white noise machine could help.

Finally, there's drugs...Acepromazine, Chlomicalm, and Valium.

I've managed to counter condition my pooch with many things, resource guarding, reactive to strangers, reactive to dogs, pulling on leash, etc etc. Thunder and noise phobia is a tough one because it's strikes them at a very primal level.

Don't listen to the crap about "Don't be kind to the dog because you're reinforcing it" IT's way to primal for that.

Let the dog find its comfort zone, bathroom, basement, close space...use the white noise machine there...also a few bones (if the dog isn't way too distracted) And ride it out.

If you've got any questions, lemme know.

Thanks for tips. We've tried DAP and a Homeopathic remedy to no avail. Even used a CD of Thunder and fireworks, but he seems to know it's not real.

We have a few Acepromazine tablets. He gets half a tablet, just enough to reduce the anxiety.
We've also been told "Don't be kind to the dog because you're reinforcing it".
I guess we should try the reverse approach. I'm sure #1 will be happy to hear this.

Again, thanks for the tips. Good luck with the new business. I hope you get your wish and it becomes full time.


...Abbey someone
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Arch Stanton;3386885 said:
Thanks for tips. We've tried DAP and a Homeopathic remedy to no avail. Even used a CD of Thunder and fireworks, but he seems to know it's not real.

We have a few Acepromazine tablets. He gets half a tablet, just enough to reduce the anxiety.
We've also been told "Don't be kind to the dog because you're reinforcing it".
I guess we should try the reverse approach. I'm sure #1 will be happy to hear this.

Again, thanks for the tips. Good luck with the new business. I hope you get your wish and it becomes full time.

Yep, the CD is kinda pointless. They get cranked up due to the electricity in the air, barometric pressure, scents, etc...I tell customers and other trainers, "Yep, I can counter condition my dog not to react to a CD of thunder"

That's about it.

The "don't be kind because you're reinforcing it" is pure old school, cesar milan garbage.

Think of it this way...

If you're kind to the dog when he's reacting with bad manners to another dog, yes, then you're reinforcing that behavior.

But with thunderstorms, their entire body is changing, like a Pavlov experiment. They're actually undergoing physical changes which they can't control.

Ya can't reinforce that. You can only comfort it in order to get the dog down a few levels.

The other thing for those who preach the philosphy of "don't be kind because you'll reinforce it" Does it make a difference? Is your dog getting better with that approach? Nope.

The Ace might be helpful...in that if you can get your pooch down a few levels, you might be able to comfort.

Try the anxiety wrap. It definitely brings my dog down a few levels. BUT don't only use it when there's a storm because you'll trigger the dog to "Uh, oh, the wrap is on...storm must be coming..time to freak out" So occasionally put it on just for the heck of it and take it off five minutes later.

Thanks for the well wishes.


Red, White and Brew...
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Very cool site and I must say it is VERY cool do do a job that you truly love. Good luck with it all Sally.


Just taking it easy
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Still think you are totally confused Jukester --but cool site :D


...Abbey someone
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Just TOOOO cool...feels good to have made a positive impact.

This is an email from a couple with two dogs that were urinating all over the house. They were considering getting rid of both dogs.


Things are going better - Ginger has been telling us when she has to go out and Scooter is being a bit difficult but there has been no wetting in the house. They have their other new commands down to a science so we are going to start on a new command.
Talk to you soon!


Suspicious looking stranger
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Juke99;3386469 said:
The dogs are the easy part. The owners aren't.

I don't spend much time teaching the dogs. Most of the time is spent with the owners.


...Abbey someone
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Signals;3394933 said:

It has actually become predictably funny...

I walk in.

The owner looks at the dog and says "You're going to school"

And I reply "I've got bad news for ya..."

Bob Sacamano

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Hey, juke. Just had a brainstorm.

You know how your dog was people shy? Well, wouldn't it help other people-shy dogs overcome their fears, if you gave them stress-liquid drops?