Hey Ticket haters.....

GTaylor said:
I have no problem with sthick - all stations do it, even Galloway. But it should be part of your show, not the show.

On a slow sports day, the Hardline can be fun to listen too. But the day after a game for example...I want to hear some analysis during the afternoon drive instead of interviews with fake Jerrys or fake Quincys, etc.

The reality of the whole matter is as long as advertisers continue to purchase commerical time, those shows and their 'schtick' will continue.
InmanRoshi said:
FWIW, The Ticket didn't just fumbduck around into this format. The station was founded 10 years ago, with "sports" personalities like Skip Bayless and Chuck Cooperstein. The station actually centered around Chuck Cooperstein's show. It was a failure and ratings bombed
That's why I said it's probably a cultural thing. In the Northeast a station like the Ticket would bomb horribly, would be laughed off the air waves. In Texas, it would seem pure sports talk bombs horribly.

Seems rather straight-forward to me.
addison4ya_28 said:
listening to alll the whining on the site is hilarious. Dont listen!! Anyone that knows anything about Dallas should know not to take anything they do seriously. To say it sucks, well it is an acquired taste, but it is also the most copied and admired all-sports station in the country. It has a larger share in Dallas than any sports talk station has in any city in the country. This station has had some the funniest stuff over the last 4 years that I have ever heard in my life, and if you give it a chance it will be something you talk about with your buddies on a daily basis. Most of you are catching the Musiers in the morning and they are probably the least entertaining show all day, but they are good guys. Norm and BaD Radio will give you more sports. The fact that someone actually posted a press conference because they heard it on the Ticket cracks me up. Turn in to 103.3 ESPN radio or lighten up!

Corda snake!

amen brotha, stay hard.
StoneyBurk said:
The Ticket Rocks ! They are just some good ol boys having fun. They are a lot better than a bunch of know it all yankees ! Everytime some station down here brings in some yankee they fail.

You miss the turnoff to Alabama or what?

Dear lord rural America scares me.
TheSkaven said:
What I see here is a clash of cultures. It seems that people from the South prefer the style of programming that the Ticket broadcasts. Someone from the Northeast would consider it absolute drivel. Our sports talk centers more around sports conversation. I'd guess if a Texan were to travel to Boston, NY or Philly and listen to the radio station up here, they might consider us uptight for talking sports all day?

Uh, NO.... Believe me, plenty of locals think the Ticket is assinine and a complete embarrassment, too. And very few (maybe even none) of the hosts are from the south anyway... All the ones I know of are from the upper midwest or northeast.

ESPN 103.3 has much better actual sports discussion without the fifth-grade bathroom humor.

BTW, Waffle is right... The Animal in OKC is great. Their hosts REALLY talk sports all day, and they know their stuff. Unfortunately, most of what they talk about is OU and/or college stuff.
InmanRoshi said:
FWIW, The Ticket didn't just fumbduck around into this format. The station was founded 10 years ago, with "sports" personalities like Skip Bayless and Chuck Cooperstein. The station actually centered around Chuck Cooperstein's show. It was a failure and ratings bombed.

By the way ... the quoted Bruce Gilbert, is now ESPN's General Manager for all of their talk radio. ESPN threw big money at him to save their fledging talk radio format.

I travel quite a bit, and I've heard east coast sports stations. I still maintain traditional "Sports talk" doesn't actually have much to do with sports. Its sensationalistic, manufactured conversation about people in sports, but its really little more than the male equivalent to beauty salon gossip. Traditional "sports talk" has has very little to do ith the the aspect of sports I'm interested in. I like analysis and X's and O's, and I hear very little of that. Most sports station radio programmers stay away from it, so you end up with 4 hours of talking about what a bad guy Barry Bonds/Maurice Clarett/Randy Moss is. I don't see Bob Ryan talking about how he wants to smack Jason Kidd's wife having much to do with sports.

I agree wholeheartedly if you're referencing nationally syndicated programming. Most of it is People magazine without the pictures.

I really enjoy local sports radio programming from non-major markets, where they get into the nuts and bolts of a particular college or even high school athletics.

The problem with the Ticket is that it appears their target demographic isn't the sports junkie, but rather young males who may have an interest in sports.
i haven't had a lot of exposure to "the Ticket" so far. and i'm grateful for this.

so far, they impress me as a great source... for vaudeville-stale schtick.

suggestion: rename to "the Stick-it"
StanleySpadowski said:
The problem with the Ticket is that it appears their target demographic isn't the sports junkie, but rather young males who may have an interest in sports.

I the problem is that the sports junkie demographic is a small one, and one that doesn't listen to the radio often. Which is why sports radio fails more often than not.

Chocolate Lab said:
And very few (maybe even none) of the hosts are from the south anyway... All the ones I know of are from the upper midwest or northeast.

You're mis-informed. Both G. Dunham, C. Miller on the morning show are Texas natives, who both were raised primarily in either this general area, or other parts of the state. They both also graduated from the University of North Texas. G. Keith, who is the third member of the morning crew, was born in Mississippi, but raised in the Richardson area, from elementary school age.

All three members of the afternoon show are from the Metroplex area. Mike Rhyner and Corby Davidson both grew up in this area, and Greg Williams is from Boyd Texas, which is just outside of Fort Worth.

Also, 75 to 80% of the behind-the-scenes people on the station are also either natives to this area, or grew up, or graduated from universities in Texas. Including the current program director.

The only two "transplants" are the two guys that do the midday show. One is from Cleveland, and the other from the Wisconsin area. Any time they've tried to fill spots with "Yankees," other than the two that are there now, they failed miserably.

No offense, but before you go getting blanket statements, you might want to research your facts.
My bad. Seems like I always hear how they aren't fans of the local teams, but then I don't listen all that much.
I would also add that Bob Sturm knows more about sports than Coop, Galloway, Hitzges and very other Dallas sports radio personality rolled into one.
Chocolate Lab said:
My bad. Seems like I always hear how they aren't fans of the local teams, but then I don't listen all that much.

NP, glad you didn't that it as hostile, certainly wasn't meant to be.

That's another thing that always confuses me about people complaining concerning sports talk hosts in particular.

They expect those people to be "fans" of the local teams. I don't get that, I don't want to hear the same thing from these guys that I hear from the guy sitting on the barstool next to me. I want a more objective opinion.
InmanRoshi said:
I would also add that Bob Sturm knows more about sports than Coop, Galloway, Hitzges and very other Dallas sports radio personality rolled into one.

You're kidding, right? I like Sturm and think he's knowledgable (Which is sad because his co-host is a know-nothing buffon), but knowledge-wise he's nowhere near Cooperstein.
The humor is funny once in awhile but the majority of it fits into humor of a High School type IMO.

Futhermore I got tired of all the racist (mostly veiled) crap they would throw out there.

I listened to it for a little over a year because it was the only net station I could get that would talk Cowboys football....I am glad that ESPN got the net version and I am glad the the Cowboys site now has net radio.

The ticket is for people who want sophmore comedy with occasional freshman sports talk.

The only really good sports talk that I ever heard came from the ticket ticker (which is just updates) and Norm.

Really the idea that the show does so well is kind of sad considering the weak humor and racist tones it takes many times.
Well, reading the article, the Ticket isn't even sports talk radio, its guy talk radio. If that's your thing, go for it, but you shouldn't really be comparing it to actual sports talk radio, like KNBR in San Francisco or XTRA sports in LA.
There is so much more to The Ticket than could ever be discussed in this thread. But if you're really interested, visit this forum....


Nice board, and it has such an excellent name!

Seriously, is there anyone besides Jerry that likes Rowdy?
GTaylor said:
Nice board, and it has such an excellent name!

Seriously, is there anyone besides Jerry that likes Rowdy?

I like Row-


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