Hip Hop Music Thread

there's clean versions online, we've been striving to find them

More like struggling to find them for me. lol. I've pretty much given up. I think we've posted just about every postable rap video ever made. lol. At least that I can find. I can't find any more clean versions of anything I want to post anymore.
I still got a few tricks up my sleeve;)

Hey Ron, if you can find some clean versions of La Chat, that would be great. I love her song with 36, "You aint mad iz ya?", but I can't find a clean version anywhere. That song is the bomb.
I cut it for you you:D No biggie and glad to hook it up.

Well, I certainly appreciate it, Big. I think La Chat is definitely deserving of being a part of our hip hop thread. Unfortunately, she has a potty mouth. But we all do in real life, right? lol. But, thank you for what you did. I am so glad she finally made it here, where she belongs.:thumbup:
Totally cool Kim and like La Chat too from her roots with 36 esp. so almost felt obligated, though I always put Gangsta Boo up top:D
Totally cool Kim and like La Chat too from her roots with 36 esp. so almost felt obligated, though I always put Gangsta Boo up top:D

I love Gangsta Boo, too. Please post as many La Chat and Gangsta Boo videos as you can. You are certainly better at it than I am. lol. How do you cut that? lol. Don't you just love their names? They are so creative, aren't they?:p
This isn't rap, but the music is great and the girl has a beautiful voice. Great song. Always loved it.

I love Gangsta Boo, too. Please post as many La Chat and Gangsta Boo videos as you can. You are certainly better at it than I am. lol. How do you cut that? lol. Don't you just love their names? They are so creative, aren't they?:p

I just use this free app called "Audacity" I downloaded from cnet.com. I'll leave out how to get the song though;) Will definitely upload some more of La Cat/Gangsta Boo though. Loved Boo's "Both Worlds" CD that came out a ways back. Really like Boss as well; she can rip it (Spice 1 folks)
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