Holding onto fading/fraudulent dreams (Troy, Emmitt, Moose, Owens, Dez, Zeke, Luepke)

I don't know why Luepke is lumped in there.

FWIW, he looked good lead blocking for all of the 2 snaps I saw him in there.
We all have been following a lot of players all off season. As Jterrell stated, football is for rooting to over come and achieve.

On site, we attempt to make sense out of indicators and actual play that we watch. I can see not wanting to give up on players we have enjoyed watching their struggles. That I can support, only not making roster tough decisions and not holding up the train coming through for deliveries.
I can agree with this.

My favorite player growing up was Deion. Every sport I ever played, I wore #21. I even had his Ravens jersey once he joined their team even though he was way past his 'prime' (lol).

Better believe I am already a de facto Colorado football fan right now too :cool:
Can you re-phrase the question? No one has any unquestioned say except for Jones.
Fair question. In most of our debates here and in our endless posts we play roles:
  • If I was a GM I would do ~this~
  • If I was head coach I would do ~that~
  • If I was offensive coordinator I would do ~better!~
I welcome other fans enjoying emotional bonds. I applaud loyalty, fond memories, memorabilia, kittens and puppies. But only when posting hopes and wishes for the coaches or players for which they have attachment.

But when fans here want to play GM / Head coach/ OC...they better throw all that in the bin--and fast. It should be 100% rationality. There's absolutely no room for that when it comes to judgment about players.
Fair question. In most of our debates here and in our endless posts we play roles:
  • If I was a GM I would do ~this~
  • If I was head coach I would do ~that~
  • If I was offensive coordinator I would do ~better!~
I welcome other fans enjoying emotional bonds. I applaud loyalty, fond memories, memorabilia, kittens and puppies. But only when posting hopes and wishes for the coaches or players for which they have attachment.

But when fans here want to play GM / Head coach/ OC...they better throw all that in the bin--and fast. It should be 100% rationality. There's absolutely no room for that when it comes to judgment about players.
If I may..?

First, it is illustrated how members post what if scenarios. Second, what exactly members post is made conditional per a single member's criteria of what can be considered correct. Third, the aforementioned criteria is applied to what if scenarios.

A member's point-of-view is judged correct If their what if scenario passes the criteria test. In contrast, their viewpoint is assessed as incorrect if their what if scenario fails the criteria test.

Is the above correct? If so, I would say it is irrelevant. A person's attachment has zero influence over what happens in reality. For example, a person can say their favorite players, already in the Pro Football Hall of Fame by position, could field the best team that the NFL has ever seen. It is pure speculation, based upon a personal assumption, which cannot be tested. The speculation cannot be proven as 'wrong' or 'right'. Likewise, a person's attachment in those players cannot be honestly debunked by a completely one-side, prejudicial criteria test that cannot be practically applied.

Is my assessment of your post false? If so, I would ask that you explain how.
I'm one of the posters that will not let Tryon Smith go... still feel like he is top 5 in the league and needs a full season to solidify that again. Zack Martin is another one I enjoy to watch because he has seldom years of elite play left.
Tyron's injuries no longer seem like *chronic* issues. It's not the back or the neck anymore.

But through the back years, he ground out 13 games a season. With 11 or more games in a season, he's made the Pro Bowl since 2013.

The last 3 years Tyron just hasn't been able to stay on the field. Games per season 2, 11, 4. But I don't think he's done.

Olinemen are usually beaten by a loss of agility, or some *chronic* injury. Knee. Back. Hip. Not simply getting injury prone. Their bodies don't give out wholesale. Tackles don't have to face NTs. They don't get caught up in the wash of interior oline play. They are bigger and stronger than the guys across from them. They go when their skills go.

Tyron still has his skills. His agility is *better* than it was during the bad back years. Legitimate to think his body may be done, but plenty of reasons to think it isn't, and it will be such a boon to the team if he isn't done. Pro Bowl LTs don't grow on trees.

At some point, we've got to stop paying Tyron for 4 games seasons. With no actual years left on his contract, looks like we've gone to a year to year basis with him. If he can't last the majority of this season, we're probably done. And probably *should be*, since we've got Tyler to slide out there.
Romo was a hard one for me. Had his best season ever in 2014. An MVP level season. And then broke and broke again, only to be replaced when the offense had the most dominant oline and RB since the 90s.

2016 was the best chance he had had for a ring. And they just wouldn't give him that chance. They let him on the field once, and he marched down the field. 134 QB rating for the season. He could still play. Maybe he wouldn't have held up, but he could still play.

Almost Antonio.
We start bonding with some layers as soon as they are drafted. Nothing wrong with it, we want what is best for our teams. The reluctance to give up on some players is more about what they were than what they are. We know when they fade, but we want the player to come back in his prime. It is all about hope.

At my age I now look at it differently. When players can't get it done anymore, I am fine with letting them go. I am even fine letting some players who contribute go if I think they aren't the right fit here in Dallas. When a player is traded I am fine as long as there is a backup plan and we get something good in return.
Glad you have your memories from the 70's. What an epic slice of Cowboys history, with no possible dispute. That's when the Cowboys earned the moniker "America's Team."

That said, it's just not relevant to this thread.
It's very relevant in this thread just not for you because you didn't watch them play in the moment

I have no reason to let go of those players I hold on to their memories and their great careers and was discussing them with a former eagles and Steelers player that played against them the other day it's very relevant in my world.

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