Holy crap shawn merriman is overrated

es22;1218751 said:
Merriman is a stud. Let it be.

you dont have to take sides between Ware and Merriman. just appreciate their talents.
I agree. We can whine and moan about him cheating, but this guy is a stud and he will continue to sack quarterbacks while we're still using the we were not trying to get to the qb, just contain him excuses.

The best we can do now, is start looking for the next Merriman. (clean of course) :)
What exactly did Merriman take that improved his performance ?

You guys can hate him to no end. But to dismiss his talent based on a failed test that was taken in August is not really telling the whole story.
He has talent. Its just we have this little problem of him taking STERIODS.
LowTech;1218850 said:
He has talent. Its just we have this little problem of him taking STERIODS.

Yet, Cocaine is OK ?

I still see some love for Carter from time to time here.

And it would be Steroids.
excuse me for the typo.....steroids. Did I say anything about LT and Cocaine?

Look, if you want to talk football, we can. If you want to get cute, talk to yourself.
LowTech;1218856 said:
Look, if you want to talk football, we can. If you want to get cute, talk to yourself.

And yet you respond. Maybe I'm cute afterall.

I stated nothing about LT. Being a Cowboys board, I mention cocaine and you took it to somehow being an LT thing. I specifically mentioned Carter.

For some reason, I feel that you are simply not comprehending what I posted.
The obsession of Ware vs Merriman on this board is unreal. I would say, both teams are the cream of the crop in their confrence, both players have a BIG part in that. Merriman is a difference maker. It takes more than Steroids to have that nick to change a game. Merriman has it. He knows the game. Guy is unbelievable. Cheater, yes. Difference maker regardless, no doubt.
I posted this on another thread. Watching a good part of the Bills Chargers/Bills game this weekend to see what this guy was about. I guess he got some sacks but I didn't see them. In fact during the time I watched he didn't get a tackle. On running plays he was one of the guys standing around looking at the pile after the play was over. On passing plays he did get a QB hurry but the Bills were blocking him with a running back. The few times I've seen Ware get blocked by a tight end or running back he sacked the QB. I remember having no doubt that we drafted the right guy.
theebs;1218683 said:
dont be bitter. His numbers are off the charts and he is a difference maker.

........end of story.
stealth;1218675 said:
Watching NFL network and they are calling him the closest thing to the real LT??? He only makes play when teams are stupid enough to try to block him with a RB, I don't get why a guy like this is so hyped. HE IS A CHEATER too. Why would the morons in the media even compare him to LT? This isn't a merriman v ware thread at all, its about what the hell is wrong with people that say he is so great when a friggen RB is asked to block a 270 pound roid user?

LT used to show up for practices and games high on the powder. Don't tell me that a drug like cocaine that temporarily numbs one's body to pain isn't an edge in a game, either.

Shawne Merriman=cheater
Lawrence Taylor=cheater

I see where the comparison makes sense...
Cocaine Effects

Some of the short-term cocaine effects first time users experience includes increased energy, decreased appetite, and increased heart rate and blood pressure.

Short-term cocaine effects include:
Increased blood pressure
Constricted blood vessels
Dilated pupils
Mental alertness
Increased energy
Increased heart rate
Decreased appetite
Increased temperature

Steroid Effects

Anabolic steroids have been shown to increase weight gain, fat-free weight gain and muscle fiber area in conjuction with a strength training program. Strength gain, as measured by one-repetition-maximum tests can also be increased by steroid use. These effects are often difficult to attribute solely to action of the steroid itself, as the euphoria associated with their use can encourage more rigorous workouts.
Common Sense;1218705 said:
Well, LT was a cokehead. Merriman's a roid user. I can see how you can make a comparison there... :)

But seriously, Merriman's a really good player, whether you hate him or not. And on that note, so is Ware.

Roids give you bulk and added strength. Coke is a street drug. Big difference. Both are illegal.
Dough Boy;1218812 said:
Two out of three isn't bad.

LT was on cocaine. It is a stimulant of the central nervous system and creates a euphoric sensesation of happiness and increased energy.

Whether we like it or not, Merriman is playing at a really high level. The guy has missed four games, and is still among the leaders in sacks. One of the games he missed was against the Raiders, he had three sacks against them the first game. I'm glad we have Ware, but Merriman is a very good, very promising young player. He is not LT, but he is driving down the right street.

Well... I'm not a doctor, and I agree that taking cocaine might be a stimulant and possibly help the performance looking on a one game level. However, if taken over a period of time, I think that cocaine, while still a stimulant, would begin to hurt the performance. Powerful drugs like coke, if used often begin to tear down the body (even if it amps you up for the game) and if viewed on less of a micro and more of a macro level, I would agree with Rack that it would hinder performance... long term.

Steroids also make you agressive, like cocaine... but they also make the muscle tissues grow and help things like explosion and endurance as well.

If I had to get better at the game of football, I definately would take anabolic staroids and I'd stay away from cocaine.

Having said all of that... I think Merriman is a terrific football player and I'd love for him to be a Cowboy. I love Ware being a Cowboy too. As a matter of fact, before the 05 draft I really wanted us to try to trade up with the 20th pick (Spears) to try to get Merriman with that pick after taking Ware at 11th. We would've had our WOLB and our SOLB for the next Decade.

Like other's have mentioned already though... Merriman wouldn't have that many sacks in Dallas' system.

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