How did the rookies look?

Saw 94 all over the place, he played well. Kneeling. Overshon looks full healed and really good. Both linemen played well, and will improve going forward. Liufau did not see anything that stood out, but no big mistakes either !
Guyton got beat early, we all knew it would happen. Good experience for him IMO
Carson looks better than a mid-round pick to me. He got beat for a TD but never seemed running too far from his guy. Again good experience
Kneeland, seemed OK, nothing great but nothing bad that I saw
Beebe, the biggest thing to me is we didn't hear anything negative right? Didn't see any bad snaps or bull rushes from opponents. I expect issues but didn't see any today anyone else? Pretty promising really.
Liafau - didn't notice him
Guyton looked solid out there against MG, saw a few bad beats at the beginning of the game but then he got shut out. Beebe I didn't hear his name, so that was good. Love the confidence Carson plays with, he might be a gem. That is my first impression
Let me make this clear: if you think Micah is a LB, stop posting.
You should learn more about the game. Micah was drafted as a Mike LB. Quinn started using him more at DE, but he was a LB. Zimmer has him moving around playing more LB again.
Very impressive play by the rookies. And Overshown looks like the best player from the prior draft. Kneeland had a great first game. He played the run well and got a bunch of pressure. Not sure what more you want.

Great start for this draft class!!!

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