How do you take your...meat?

daschoo;3723389 said:
i remember going for lunch a couple of years ago at a restaurant in the south of france, moules frite very tasty, the guy at the table next to me wad a pile of raw mince (ground beef i think you call it?) anyway he cracked a raw egg over it put on a ton of salt and pepper then mixed it through with a fork and sat and ate it with a side salad.
It's called steak tartare.
theogt;3723392 said:
It's called steak tartare.

yeah, it looked rank though. for a nation with such good food they don't half have some bizarre dishes
I like both medium rare.

I love cowboy sushi when I know the meat is organic free range. Especially when I go to Alberta :)
daschoo;3723389 said:
i remember going for lunch a couple of years ago at a restaurant in the south of france, moules frite very tasty, the guy at the table next to me wad a pile of raw mince (ground beef i think you call it?) anyway he cracked a raw egg over it put on a ton of salt and pepper then mixed it through with a fork and sat and ate it with a side salad.

This is what happens when the chef gets too hungry before completing the meatballs...
Steak, charred medium rare

Burgers I like more medium, any less and it tends to be too juicy and destroys the bun.
I don't understand why people cook the flavor out of their food.

children might need to be sheltered from knowing what they eat, but why do adults? Isn't it time to grow up OP?

meat came from living things that once bled so that you won't starve.

accept it and man up!
Medium rare for me. My wife thought it was Crazy to eat steak that way, now she won't have it any other way lol.
CliffnMesquite;3723144 said:
Thirty minutes ago I had a conversation with the fill in night cook about my dinner order. I ordered a Cheeseburger well done. I made a special point about it being done, not pink, not raw but WELL DONE!

I do not eat raw bloody meat. In my humble opinion anyone that does is a savage and should be on a leash in the public square. I take my steak medium well with just a hint of pink BUT NO BLOOD!

Anyway as a precaution I cut the cheeseburger in half. Blood literlly ran across the plate. I almost threw up. needless to say it went in the trash in front of the cook.

So, how do you like your meat? :)
:lmao2: @ the thread title!!

Anyways, I prefer my steaks & burgers well done! No pink! No blood! Cooked completely through like an evolved human should! ;)
I used to order rare a lot, but on one occasion at a steakhouse I got an almost-raw steak. I like it pretty red and juicy, but that was a little undercooked for me. So now I ask for medium-rare and hope for the best.

The odd thing is, even if you stick to one preference, how wide a variety you'll still end up with. I've eaten plenty of well-done, overcooked steaks that I specified "medium rare" on. And then I've had some perfect ones and some undercooked ones. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter what you asked for.
Slap it twice. If the Horns and hoofs don't come off, don't worry about it. Just put it on the plate and I'll figure it out.
Ecoli fears have me avoiding anything too bloody or red, so it's usually medium rare for me.
The thread title is a loaded question (to say the least :laugh1: ).

I like my burgers and steak well done through-and-through, but it's going in the trash if it's served to me as a charcoal briquette.
BehindEnemyLinez;3723637 said:
:lmao2: @ the thread title!!

Anyways, I prefer my steaks & burgers well done! No pink! No blood! Cooked completely through like an evolved human should! ;)

DallasEast;3723820 said:
The thread title is a loaded question (to say the least :laugh1: ).

I like my burgers and steak well done through-and-through, but it's going in the trash if it's served to me as a charcoal briquette.
Great minds...
theogt;3723377 said:
For a burger, medium well is fine. If you eat your steak medium well or well done, it's a complete waste of money.

Yeah yeah yeah and you'd apologize to the waiter/waitress :rolleyes:
CowboyMike;3723154 said:
The red juice in raw red meat is not blood. Nearly all blood is removed from meat during slaughter, which is also why you don’t see blood in raw “white meat”. Only an extremely small amount of blood remains within the muscle tissue when you get it from the store.

So what is that red liquid you are seeing in red meat? Red meats, such as beef, are composed of quite a bit of water. This water, mixed with a protein called myoglobin, ends up comprising most of that red liquid.

In fact, red meat is distinguished from white meat primarily based on the levels of myoglobin in the meat. The more myoglobin, the redder the meat. Thus most animals, such as mammals, with a high amount of myoglobin, are considered “red meat”, while animals with low levels of myoglobin, like most poultry, or no myoglobin, like some sea-life, are considered “white meat”.

Myoglobin is highly pigmented, specifically red; so the more myoglobin, the redder the meat will look and the darker it will get when you cook it.

So... you didn't throw away an undercooked hamburger. There is no such thing as "bloody meat". You simply threw away a juicy hamburger. And it was probably juicy because you pissed off the chef when you ordered it.

I'll take both my steaks and burgers medium, please. :)

I'm amazed at the number of times I've had to explain this to people. If you like your dinner half way to shoe leather that's your prerogative, but short of chewing on it while it's still mooing, it's not blood.

Medium rare for me. I used to order medium, and if it's done correctly a medium steak is excellent, but it's too much of risk to get that close to medium well which is the first stage of the briquette process.
gmoney112;3723183 said:
medium rare
I'm with the money man. I do prefer hamburger closer to medium, and can stomach it at medium well. Steak at medium rare though. Medium at most. Beyond that it is ruined.
BehindEnemyLinez;3723637 said:
:lmao2: @ the thread title!!

Anyways, I prefer my steaks & burgers well done! No pink! No blood! Cooked completely through like an evolved human should! ;)

A normal human at last! Dont let the others bite you...:D

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