How does this team love to make money, but are tight with spending?


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Right. They’re not tight with money…it’s where and how they spend it player-wise. They are simply not going to pay someone else’s player what they will pay their own. The Brandon Carr experiment ruined them.
surely it did


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Obviously a top producing rookie and their limited contract is the biggest bargain in the league.

Many free agents do not live up to their contracts, so Stephen prefers the former.

The risks and downsides of that are all encapsulated within the shortcomings you repeatedly see in this team

They don’t need to go full Rams, but they need a better balance. Bobby Wagner should have just completed his second season here as one example.

Don’t have the cap room? BS. Find it. They are going so far into a future hole with Dak why not try to win first at least?


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Salary cap.....all teams have it, but it is how you use it. Putting Stephen as your salary cap specialist is like putting me in charge of the US Defense budget. He knows enough to make stupid decisions and think he can handle it rather than getting experts involved... said before, great FO are playing 3D chess while SJ is playing checkers. That is why they are currently way over the cap and why every year they are dumpster diving and bargain bin shopping for garbage players.

No matter how much money the Jones' have, you can't buy class, grace and intelligence. Intelligence in football operations.
I think jerry has big effect on that too, he helps decide who gets paid and how much, esp the star players.
All teams get the same amount of cap $ and some do way better than the rest. Cowboys are probably ranked down in the 20's


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Could someone please make it make sense???? Something isn't adding up, Please give your thoughts
All teams get the same amount of cap $ and some do way better than the rest. Cap $ is from tv contracts, and pays for all the players.
Owners dont pay for players that comes with the cap $.

Jerry is a tight wad with any money that comes from his bank vault of gold though lol.
One reason he is keeping mike 1 more year is he doesnt want to pay mike 6 mil to do nothing lol.
Jerry passed up great coaches just so mike will work for his 6 mil.


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Could someone please make it make sense???? Something isn't adding up, Please give your thoughts
How are we tight with spending it and currently $20M over the cap. Only 5 teams are in worse shape than we are.


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I don't know if they are tight on spending, every year it seems Dallas begins over the cap and have to do multiple restructures to free up space. It's not that they aren't spending money, they just pay a lot of the wrong guys too much money