How many have the NFL Network??

Aikbach;1181792 said:
It is a combination of a greedy NFL tactic wanting way too much money for the rights to NFL services and major cable carriers wanting to make it premium so it doesn't drive up the cost of basic cable and tick off their consumers who don't want the channel.

Funny how Directv and Dish network can somehow absorb the costs. Sorry, but this is 100% on the cable networks.
M'Kevon;1181966 said:
Funny how Directv and Dish network can somehow absorb the costs. Sorry, but this is 100% on the cable networks.
A Dish is loads more money than a subscriber of basic cable usually is prepared to dish out, so to speak.
I really hope Adam's right about cable companies never getting the Sunday Ticket.

Simply put, more people will have the opportunity to get the "Ticket" through a satellite company.

Fans that live out of town (and therefore have no access to cable), or in small towns (like me....we don't have access to these large cable companies) would have no opportunity to get the "Ticket".

With satellite, almost everyone that wants to pay for the service can have it.

I'd be screwed if it went to cable.

I've been happy to have the Cowboys games for years....NFL Network is nice, even more so this year.....
Bizwah;1181980 said:
I really hope Adam's right about cable companies never getting the Sunday Ticket.

Simply put, more people will have the opportunity to get the "Ticket" through a satellite company.

Fans that live out of town (and therefore have no access to cable), or in small towns (like me....we don't have access to these large cable companies) would have no opportunity to get the "Ticket".

With satellite, almost everyone that wants to pay for the service can have it.

I'd be screwed if it went to cable.

I've been happy to have the Cowboys games for years....NFL Network is nice, even more so this year.....

Season ticket will never go to cable companies. They're too cheap to put out for it. Satellite providers don't have to shell out the inane amounts of money to build and maintain an infrastructure for their medium. They put a few satellites in orbit and jualah... So the money saved by satellite companies goes to making sure their medium remains a top notch option by paying premium for services like Season Ticket to keep people like me smiling. :p:
dfense;1181916 said:
It's called $$$$ In upstate NY, Time Warner is the cable monopoly. Basic cable is around $60.00 a month. I get twice as many channels and two DVR's to boot for that price thru Directv. Time Warner raises their prices constantly. And they've said that if they carry the NFL channel, they will make it a premium channel and charge as much as .70 cents more. That's the issue.
The NFL network won't let them carry it if they raise their rates.

Its interesting you talk about TW raising their rates. They are set for a 5.1% increase on 12/1. Of course that wouldn't include adding NFLN.. They've even gone as far as to deflect and place it in the hands of the NFL for the blame game....
To answer the question, yes I have it. I have directv, though.

Since getting the NFL Network channel, I rarely watch ESPN anymore with the except a few football programs.
tyke1doe;1182017 said:
To answer the question, yes I have it. I have directv, though.

Since getting the NFL Network channel, I rarely watch ESPN anymore with the except a few football programs.

I used to be a Direct TV subscriber for about 4 years, then I got tired of the wind, rain, hail, snow you know the "eliments" knocking out my satellite so I switched back to Comcast and I've been problem free... The only thing I miss is not being able to get the NFL Sunday Ticket but majority of the NFC East games are televised around here or I'll go to one of our neighborhood sport bars to catch the Boys'...
tyke1doe;1182017 said:
To answer the question, yes I have it. I have directv, though.

Since getting the NFL Network channel, I rarely watch ESPN anymore with the except a few football programs.

I used to be a Direct TV subscriber for about 4 years, then I got tired of the wind, rain, hail, snow you know the "elements" knocking out my satellite so I switched back to Comcast and I've been problem free... The only thing I miss is not being able to get the NFL Sunday Ticket but majority of the NFC East games are televised around here or I'll go to one of our neighborhood sport bars to catch the Boys'...
Bleu Star;1181804 said:
I'll keep this as short as humanly possible.

I had cable for the last 5 years or so here. I won't name the company (Mediacom). I dealt with crappy service, tiling on digital channels, ppv orders that wouldn't work(timing always sucked), piss poor internet service during peak hours which eventually turned to overall piss poor internet svs, and internet tech support that lacked (to say the least).

Now, mind you, I always kept the base DTv package along with my cable service because I have to have my Season ticket and League Pass. About a year ago I dropped that cable company like a bad habit and went full DTv. The HBO and SHO that I had on cable were added to my DTv package. I have 5 boxes in my house with a dual tuner DVR in the living room that absolutely rocks. I gave up the crappy cable internet service for Bellsouth DSL which has not even as much as hiccupped since I got it.

In short, I couldn't be happier. There are options out there. Don't settle. ;)

Disclaimer: Not all cable companies are evil.

Oh prices...

For Cable I was paying about $130 per month for the HBO/SHO plus internet svc. Yo can add another 70 or so for the base DTv package to that so I could have my extras, and another 50 or so for phone service.
So I went from approx $250 per month to the same with DTv & Bellsouth DSL for my current rate on both which is:
$100 to DTv
$90 to Bellsouth for phone packages and DSL.

So I saved about $60 and am so much happier. My wife thanks me too for the reliability that DTv affords us and the the lightning fast, steady as a rock, internet service.

Man, but with DSL you're also having to pay a phone bill. Sure the service itself is relatively cheap, but the cost of landlines (really, the taxes on them) will eat me for lunch. And on top of that, DSL is going to give you much slower speeds than Cable.

I'm a PC gaming addict, or atleast I was in college and like to pretend I still am. I need my speed.

I don't disagree at all that the Dish is a better TV option. It's cheaper, offers better quality, and more options. Not to mention I f-ing HATE cable companies.....really, I do. But right now I'm dropping $60 for expanded basic and internet.

With the dish, I'm looking at upwards of $30 for dish service, $50 for cable internet or upwards of $50 for a phoneline and DSL and sacrificing better TV for better internet.

Maybe it's just because I live alone, but I can't justify the extra cost just for a little better TV quality and NFLN. Throw in the Ticket and you're talking a major price increase....that thing ain't cheap.
ThreeSportStar80;1182022 said:
I used to be a Direct TV subscriber for about 4 years, then I got tired of the wind, rain, hail, snow you know the "elements" knocking out my satellite so I switched back to Comcast and I've been problem free... The only thing I miss is not being able to get the NFL Sunday Ticket but majority of the NFC East games are televised around here or I'll go to one of our neighborhood sport bars to catch the Boys'...

I guess that's one of the benefits of living in Florida. Aside from the occasional hurricane watch, for the most part, the daily weather here is sunny & mild. It's good you brought up the elements. If I were up north I might not necessarily be such a large proponent of DTV. Actually I would probably be in an area with a reputable cable company. Mediacom is crap.

EastDallasCowboy;1182045 said:
Man, but with DSL you're also having to pay a phone bill. Sure the service itself is relatively cheap, but the cost of landlines (really, the taxes on them) will eat me for lunch. And on top of that, DSL is going to give you much slower speeds than Cable.

I'm a PC gaming addict, or atleast I was in college and like to pretend I still am. I need my speed.

I don't disagree at all that the Dish is a better TV option. It's cheaper, offers better quality, and more options. Not to mention I f-ing HATE cable companies.....really, I do. But right now I'm dropping $60 for expanded basic and internet.

With the dish, I'm looking at upwards of $30 for dish service, $50 for cable internet or upwards of $50 for a phoneline and DSL and sacrificing better TV for better internet.

Maybe it's just because I live alone, but I can't justify the extra cost just for a little better TV quality and NFLN. Throw in the Ticket and you're talking a major price increase....that thing ain't cheap.

DSL being slower than cable is a misconception. On DSL I have my own allocated bandwidth that no one else is allowed to share. On Cable my speeds are constantly affected by the number of subscribers that decide to surf & game. Granted, if I had a reputable cable company in my area that took care of their cable plant this wouldn't be an issue. The reality is I don't so the Satellite/DSL option is the much better option. I game too (CoD2, Q4, BF2142) and can honestly say my gaming experience has been loads better on DSL. I have the Bellsouth DSL Extreme package with 6megs down/ 512k up. It's crazy fast and never changes. It's $46.95, That's $4 more than what I was paying for crap cable internet. (8 megs down/256k up promised....but in reality never saw over 3 megs down and 180k up)

Color me tickled every day. ;)
I have it on direct tv channel 212 also but that's not in hd so I was a little bummed I wouldn't be able to see the Atlanta-Dallas game in hd on Dec.16 but after further review Channel 95 on direct tv shows the hd broadcast..sweet..I love direct tv
Bleu Star;1181804 said:
I'll keep this as short as humanly possible.

I had cable for the last 5 years or so here. I won't name the company (Mediacom). I dealt with crappy service, tiling on digital channels, ppv orders that wouldn't work(timing always sucked), piss poor internet service during peak hours which eventually turned to overall piss poor internet svs, and internet tech support that lacked (to say the least).

Now, mind you, I always kept the base DTv package along with my cable service because I have to have my Season ticket and League Pass. About a year ago I dropped that cable company like a bad habit and went full DTv. The HBO and SHO that I had on cable were added to my DTv package. I have 5 boxes in my house with a dual tuner DVR in the living room that absolutely rocks. I gave up the crappy cable internet service for Bellsouth DSL which has not even as much as hiccupped since I got it.

In short, I couldn't be happier. There are options out there. Don't settle. ;)

Disclaimer: Not all cable companies are evil.

Oh prices...

For Cable I was paying about $130 per month for the HBO/SHO plus internet svc. Yo can add another 70 or so for the base DTv package to that so I could have my extras, and another 50 or so for phone service.
So I went from approx $250 per month to the same with DTv & Bellsouth DSL for my current rate on both which is:
$100 to DTv
$90 to Bellsouth for phone packages and DSL.

So I saved about $60 and am so much happier. My wife thanks me too for the reliability that DTv affords us and the the lightning fast, steady as a rock, internet service.

My mileage is similar to this. Bellsouth DSL is plenty fast. DirecTV, while asking for premium dollars for HD Sunday Ticket, remains far and away the best option for distant fans. NFLN is not in HD as of yet. Overall, I am very happy.

Bleu Star;1181985 said:
Season ticket will never go to cable companies. They're too cheap to put out for it. Satellite providers don't have to shell out the inane amounts of money to build and maintain an infrastructure for their medium. They put a few satellites in orbit and jualah... So the money saved by satellite companies goes to making sure their medium remains a top notch option by paying premium for services like Season Ticket to keep people like me smiling. :p:

Bleu Star, a few comments. To build and launch a large satellite into geosynchronous orbit costs a LOT of money (somewhat risky too because not all launches achieve orbit). The Ka constellation of satellites DirecTV is launching now for the HD LiL's represents a tremendous investment. In a number of years, these satellites will wear out, and must be replaced. A dedicated staff must track and adjust the orbit of the satellites frequently to keep them in position. So, it costs money for a satellite infrastructure and it costs money to maintain them. Bandwidth is more precious over the air than it is over a land line. In the media business today, DirecTV is not considered a great investment opportunity.

I have debated on this forum the future of satellite over cable for Sunday Ticket and there people who think things are going to change when DirecTV's exclusive option runs out. I still think DirecTV has a huge "single source" advantange but there are those who disagree. We'll see.
I get the NFL Network.

The game will be on Fox for the local viewers, but that only covers like 100 miles. The rest of the state is out of luck if they dont have the NFL network.

I dont care how fast you think Bellsouth DSL is it doesnt hold a candle to cable. I get 1.4 mb downloads regularly from fast sites like Microsoft through Comcast cable internet. Its not even a close race. I regularly have 5 downloads going through E-Mule and can still play my Xbox 360 online without noticing any lag.

DirectTv is very nice but I got tired of having no reception because it was raining hard or waking up on my dayoff in the winter knowing I had to walk outside with a broom to brush the snow off the stupid thing.
Doomsday;1182214 said:
I get the NFL Network.

The game will be on Fox for the local viewers, but that only covers like 100 miles. The rest of the state is out of luck if they dont have the NFL network.

I dont care how fast you think Bellsouth DSL is it doesnt hold a candle to cable. I get 1.4 mb downloads regularly from fast sites like Microsoft through Comcast cable internet. Its not even a close race. I regularly have 5 downloads going through E-Mule and can still play my Xbox 360 online without noticing any lag.

DirectTv is very nice but I got tired of having no reception because it was raining hard or waking up on my dayoff in the winter knowing I had to walk outside with a broom to brush the snow off the stupid thing.

I would be happy to test my DSL extreme 6.0 against any cable setup in this area. They would get smoked. I get pretty much 6 megs down and 512k up with no degradation. It's gaming and download heaven. Keep in mind, I am not measuring this against the Time Warner's, Cox's , and Comcast's of the world. If you read what I said I specifically noted those companies have leaders whose minds are focused in the right direction. With cable internet you have to be a forward thinker. You have to anticipate growth and be willing to spend the money necessary to improve your infrastructure ahead of the curve. This way you don't run into issue with over saturated nodes. you don't have 1800-2000 people on one node which far exceeds Cisco's recommended 200 max on one single upstream (6 upstreams possible per node). Those larger companies are forward thinkers so, for the most part you won't experience slowdown and your speed will be great. Mediacom, on the other hand, is a greedy, selfish, company that lacks the ability to think ahead because they're too busy using smoke & mirrors on their customers while lining their own pockets. They'll jam 3-400 people on one upstream time and time again to rake in the money before upgrading sometimes a year later after the customer complaints have reached a boiling point. LAME

In short, if you're with one of the larger companies you're in good hands. However, don't sleep on DSL. This connection is the fastest I have ever had and I have had my share of cable internet. Let's not even get into FIOS which I am eagerly awaiting to make it to my area. When that comes the DSL will go bye bye. If you don't know anything about FIOS check it out here. It will put everything else to shame. :starspin
I had cable up until just after Hurricane Katrina last year. I switched to satellite because my mother in law was in town for an extended visit, and we wanted the international programming to keep her from getting too bored during the day.

We chose DirecTV because she liked the international programming package they had vs. Dish Network. It also gave me an excuse to get Sunday Ticket.


I still kept my cable internet going, and still get extended basic cable for free. Cable internet is still the bomb.

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