I am weary from the acrimony at an inept FO


Junior College Transfer
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But lads, believe it or not, the team is bigger than Yoda and his obese son and zombie family.

We have been through a lot in 30 years. And, yes, things seem bleaker than any Landry year in the late 1980s.
And believe it or not, we have had worse coaches. Remember Gailey, Wade and Garrett? We canna judge Schotty at this point, only speculate. I have faith in the blind squirrel theory.
Too, we can debate what has happened of late. We all agree about the gross incompetancy of Yoda and Stephen.
But the big picture belongs to the Cowboys team, the Star and the lore --- good and bad.
We have to again weather the storm brought about an incompetant drunk who thinks he's an astute football guy.
This I believe. Schotty will be booed out of the stadium before midseason.

But if you bail, then Yoda wins. One less critic to call him out.
And whatever you feel about me, I always look foward to the back and forth, and I too
look forward to being cheeky with the ocassional wise statement or retort.

The thing is, lads and sturdy lasses, you --- all of you are my family of sorts.
If you bail then you become voiceless in the maelsrom.

And we all lose a voice and Yoda wins.