I cannot believe the body fat on Pettiti and Johnson


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Really - I wonder how the heck these 2 got by in College, neither has an NFL body - IMO. When I see Al Johnson - I think Clay Shiver When I see Pettiti - I think Soft Chunkster. I think Petitti is more of a Guard down the road - in the Derek Kennard sense, a Pure Pusher who may be able to pop a hole here or there, he doens't have the feet of Nate to get out and pull and IMO, I think he's too slow and soft to play a tough edge Rusher.
He's going to need to toughen up and be moved inside.


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When did you become an expert evaluator of NFL talent?

I think the Cowboys have more qualified scouts and coaches than VanTheMan. IMO


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calcbfan1 said:
When did you become an expert evaluator of NFL talent?

I think the Cowboys have more qualified scouts and coaches than VanTheMan. IMO
I never said I was, however I have coached Football for 10 years on 3 different levels.

Rush 2112

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Just curious of what your body fat o'meter said on Nate, Wilfork, Traylor, Fridge, Ted Washington, Grave Digger, etc, etc, etc.


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Rush 2112 said:
Just curious of what your body fat o'meter said on Nate, Wilfork, Traylor, Fridge, Ted Washington, Grave Digger, etc, etc, etc.
Nate was an Interior guy - where you want beef - and Nate was blessed with tremendous burst and speed out of the 3 point stance....he also had trhe perfect size for what we ran and most importantly Nate stayed LOW until impact point. IMO Nate is the best pulling Guard of the last 20 years.
Washingon - Digger etc were run stopping cloggers - they have perfect, low center of gravity, immense bodys, perfect for that position.

NOW at OTackle , you want to be like Tony Boselli, thunderous at impact , not fat , big legs , long arms. Flo actually has a great OL body.
Pettiti is mushy. Now, that said, Jumbo Elliot was a bit like that and then hit the weights big time, that's what Rob should do.

I was a D-2 OL and have coached the position at the HS Level.

Rush 2112

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VanTheMan said:
I was a D-2 OL and have coached the position at the HS Level.

Then I'm sure you noticed AJ at the 2nd level getting a LB on most of JJ's big runs last year in the JJ highlights?


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Rush 2112 said:
Then I'm sure you noticed AJ at the 2nd level getting a LB on most of JJ's big runs last year in the JJ highlights?
Rush, Al is getting blown up in pass block and run blitzes . Did you see the Seattle LB shooting the gap all day and blowing things up in the backfield? Tatupu I believe was his name , and he's a rookie, I think he's a Boston kid, anyway, he had a field day blowing by Al.
Don't forget Gurode replaced AJ for a bit.

Back to my point, I'm just surprised that that neither are more muscular.

Chuck 54

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NOt to attack your views on body types, but once again we lose sight of what's really important. All NFL players will eventually have functional strenght or better after a year or two...the linemen either have the physical and mental ability or they don't. Some are lean and mean and athletic...some are huge, fat, and athletic. Pettitti has one of the wider bodies and butts that I've ever seen...the kid must need a specially made comode seat, but he's not nearly as fat as some OT's, and he can play...how many rookie OT's start at OT? Not many...many nowadays start at OG for a year. Pettitti is going to be fine, imo.

Rogers had a much better OT body....so much for that theory. Pettitti is going to eventually be a road grader if he continues to work hard and get his strength and power where it needs to be.

Rush 2112

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VanTheMan said:
Rush, Al is getting blown up in pass block and run blitzes . Did you see the Seattle LB shooting the gap all day and blowing things up in the backfield? Tatupu I believe was his name , and he's a rookie, I think he's a Boston kid, anyway, he had a field day blowing by Al.
Don't forget Gurode replaced AJ for a bit.

Back to my point, I'm just surprised that that neither are more muscular.

And Gurode came in and promptly sat back down where he had been for 2-3 weeks.

BP said it: Teams are doing more up the middle then he has seen at any point in his career.

Just so happens that is the book on how to play Bledsoe.

Oh yeah, wanna stop BP's run game where does anyone with more than 2 brain cells bring the run blitz?

Al's getting blown up trying to block 2-3 when teams bring the sink up the middle.

How many sacks is Al responsible for on all these blow ups?


Hawaiian Cowboy
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wayne_motley said:
NOt to attack your views on body types, but once again we lose sight of what's really important. All NFL players will eventually have functional strenght or better after a year or two...the linemen either have the physical and mental ability or they don't. Some are lean and mean and athletic...some are huge, fat, and athletic. Pettitti has one of the wider bodies and butts that I've ever seen...the kid must need a specially made comode seat, but he's not nearly as fat as some OT's, and he can play...how many rookie OT's start at OT? Not many...many nowadays start at OG for a year. Pettitti is going to be fine, imo.

Rogers had a much better OT body....so much for that theory. Pettitti is going to eventually be a road grader if he continues to work hard and get his strength and power where it needs to be.
How about the Raiders #2 pick in the draft last year. He didn't get to start until week 6, and that was at guard. Tough position to start at.


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My "payeyes" tel me that seemingly fat players are quite prevelent now! There mus be 30 "refregirator Perrys"