I got to say it has been entertaining so far


Active Member
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The daily melt downs over FA signed by someone else and have been way fun to read about from you guys

Keep it up the daily Bill and JJ have no clue is very entertaining and quite funny. Please continue the post them it keeps me in stiches at work.

Please keep up the daily melt down post :yourock:

Thank You for the laughs from that crazy Kangaroo



Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Kangaroo said:
The daily melt downs over FA signed by someone else and have been way fun to read about from you guys

Keep it up the daily Bill and JJ have no clue is very entertaining and quite funny. Please continue the post them it keeps me in stiches at work.

Please keep up the daily melt down post :yourock:

Thank You for the laughs from that crazy Kangaroo


Don't you know they give out a prize every year to the first Cowboys fan to freak out in free agency??


Well-Known Member
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I think, but I am not sure...but I am done freaking out during the offseason or getting excited for that matter.

Last year, I was really excited about the upcoming season. I felt Dallas was ready to turn the corner big time. 9-7 was not impressive to me at all. In this day and age in the NFL it is not unusual for teams to have monumental turn arounds. Last place to Superbowl winner is more than possible. If Baltimore is exhibit A for not needing a great QB to win a Superbowl, then New England is exhibit A for quick turn arounds.

I have maintained complete calm this offseason. Not excited not disappointed. The proof will be in the pudding at the end of the 2006 NFL Season.

I have high expectations for this team, and I will accept no excuses barring an epidemic of key injuries. Most teams have to overcome serious injuries, but some years are no doubt more difficult to overcome than others.

So what does all this mean to me? If Dallas sucks in 2006, I will be just as much a fan as I always am and hope they turn it around the next year, but there will be no benefit of the doubt coming from me to managment.