I Hate to say it But maybe Wade was the wrong choice

Velvet Jones

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Can we slow this thread down. I am still stuck on the potato/potatoe part of the debate. How can it be both?!?


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superonyx;2301344 said:
As a person i really like Wade Phillips. But i am feeling like so many are these days about our defensive strategy. I am so tired of us having one of the most, if not the most, talented defense in the league. My friends are girlfriend are getting tired of hearing me yell at the TV about our corners playing off 15 yards and getting every quarterback we play to pick us apart.
Lets look at why the eagles were almost able to beat the Patriots last year. Or why the Giants were able to beat them, and beat us in the playoffs. Its not to hard to see it. Or why the bears were so good and went to the superbowl with an awful offense. Its about playing pressure defense.
Do we not have the talent of the eagles defense? The giants? the Bears? The titans?
We have all the talent we need. We just dont have a coaching staff with the balls needed to play that style.

maybe when Jerry was interviewing coaches he should have given Ron Rivera from chicago another look.

And i hate to say it because Wade really seems like a good man. Watching him cry on hard knocks really showed something about him. he actually feels for others. (unlike the ego maniac Parcells and Jimmy Johnson).
But this wont do. And its not because of 1 loss. Its because i can see Eli manning, Mcnabb, now Jason Cambell all picking us apart in the playoffs.

were u thinking this last year in week 15?

Velvet Jones

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9xxx11;2301716 said:
were u thinking this last year in week 15?

A lot can happen 3 losses later including a first round playoff loss and then starting a season with the same issues your team had a year ago. He has showed me he can coach but so has Marty.


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Hostile;2301417 said:
Holy Cow Marty, we've gone back in time.


Right you are, dad . . . dad . . . daddy-o.


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YoMick;2301725 said:
That fact of the matter is..... we won in spite of Switzer and it took the help of O'Donell. Otherwise we lose.

Fact of the matter is you don't like Wade, and there is nothing he could do to change your mind. That's the only fact in any of this argument, cause the rest of it is just opinions.


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YoMick;2301725 said:
That fact of the matter is..... we won in spite of Switzer and it took the help of O'Donell. Otherwise we lose.

I hear that revisionist bull all the time .....

Fact is we lead that game the entire time.

Fact is we end up winning the game by 10.

Fact is we took a knee 3 times at our own 30, so we probably would have scored again if we had tried.

Fact is 14 points was taken away from us on bogus offensive pass interference calls.

We beat the Steelers ...... they did not "give" us anything.

Da Hammer

The Natural
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i was one of the fee that were not disappointed with us signing Wade because he thought him having been a great D-Coordinator that he would bring that to Dallas and transform our D into what he had in SD. But instead except for some different responsibilities that he has up front for the linemen and linebackers he is playing the mostly the same coverages we used under Parcells which just makes no sense! So much talent in the secondary and we have coaches who refuse to use them to their strenghts. its frustrating to watch and i imagine its gotta be even mor frustrating for our players. Still i have hope that Wade and his staff hopefully will find a way to improve the defense and make all of us look stupid for doubting him... eh...


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Da Hammer;2301930 said:
i was one of the fee that were not disappointed with us signing Wade because he thought him having been a great D-Coordinator that he would bring that to Dallas and transform our D into what he had in SD. But instead except for some different responsibilities that he has up front for the linemen and linebackers he is playing the mostly the same coverages we used under Parcells which just makes no sense! So much talent in the secondary and we have coaches who refuse to use them to their strenghts. its frustrating to watch and i imagine its gotta be even mor frustrating for our players. Still i have hope that Wade and his staff hopefully will find a way to improve the defense and make all of us look stupid for doubting him... eh...

This is also what i am really hoping. And this statement about if Wade was the right decision is not because we lost 1 game. It is because after watching enough teams complete so many passes underneath i am wondering who is to blame. Is it the Defensive coordinator? Is it the head coach. Someone has to step up and use the person we have to create a turnover. Is our secondary so bad that we cant intercept 1 pass in 4 games. And these 4 games have been high scoring passing games.
I dont want Wade fired, or Brian Stewart or anyone. I just want them to make some changes in strategy that results in our defense setting the tempo instead of them playing on their heals.


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After 1 loss?

After a 13-3 season last year?

Uhm.. over-react much?