it happens every year, as die hard fans, we want to have hope. the pain of crappy season now behind us. the excitment of draft and FA ahead, its natural to feel hopeful.
but I have been burned for 30 years. I don't ahve hope for this off season. we have had two bad drafts in a row. we are bound to rebound a little bit.
we will resign Parson at whatever price (just think of jersey sales he brings in), probably resign Dowdle and Osa and say we like our guys (its already been said) and maybe sign a mid level token FA to say, hey we are all in and then claim signing our own handicapped us. we are stuck in cap hell because (in the meantime in Philly and Detroit, they leap ahead of us).
Jerry and Stephen will do the usual and go sell sell sell and sell hope like there is no tomorrow..... and wash, rinse repeat.
this team isn't going anywhere. don't be fooled.