I just saw another UFO

Was you abducted and anal probed?
And if you were, exactly where were you and what time was it that they picked you up? I'll go out there with a sign "Will work for anal probe" or "Take me to your weeder". I think that's why we see them, they get some of that intergalactic marijahootchie and get lost or their trying to find an isolated C store for some snacks. They legalized it eons ago and I think they brought the lava lamp to this planet. But some would probably argue with that.

I think there are aliens among us and have been for centuries only they don't know it. They look just like regular human beings except they lack a conscience or soul, which is why some can commit such heinous and inhuman acts of violence, they are not truly human as we know it. They do not feel things as regular earth beings, not a descendant of the beings that colonized the planet, do. And there is no way medical science can detect the soul.
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I already know there will be backlash for saying you've seen a UFO. I don't live far from an Airforce Base, so I'm used to seeing planes coming and going. What I'm not used to seeing is lighted objects circling each other. Three objects were in close proximity circling each other in an orchestrated manner. No engine sound. One was brighter than the other two, the second was less bright and the third was barely visible. The movement wasn't wide like something with wings. I wanted to take a video but my phone wasn't strong enough to capture the dim lights in the night sky. They never drew closer, so I didn't feel spooked. At best, it was interesting. At worst, I sound like a kook. I don't exactly remember the colors of the brighter ones, but the dimmest one was reddish. I remember because it reminded me of a tail light on a car.
Don't worry, you passed kook some time back. You just hang with the wrong crowd. We do not notice because of our frame of reference but when we get around normal people and forget they are not like us, we slip up and kookout.
I already know there will be backlash for saying you've seen a UFO. I don't live far from an Airforce Base, so I'm used to seeing planes coming and going. What I'm not used to seeing is lighted objects circling each other. Three objects were in close proximity circling each other in an orchestrated manner. No engine sound. One was brighter than the other two, the second was less bright and the third was barely visible. The movement wasn't wide like something with wings. I wanted to take a video but my phone wasn't strong enough to capture the dim lights in the night sky. They never drew closer, so I didn't feel spooked. At best, it was interesting. At worst, I sound like a kook. I don't exactly remember the colors of the brighter ones, but the dimmest one was reddish. I remember because it reminded me of a tail light on a car.
Was it maybe two moths and a light bulb?:muttley:
Ufo's are real.

the bigger question...are they "ours"...or "theirs"???

In 1983/84ish my sister woke me up and told me to look outside the window, I saw a “Flying Saucer” with lights on it and it had the words “United States Airforce” written on it. I was about 8 or 9. Every now and then I ask my sister if she remembers seeing it, she says yes every time..
You saw what you saw. Who knows what it really is? I'm not gonna judge, but that Oh you crazy gif was too funny not to like.
Wish I was around to witness (1952) but haven't seen one personally.
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Awesome man! I'm envious more than anything. I have seen nothing in my life to convince me for certain that I have seen a UFO. That doesn't mean I don't believe you though. Sometimes I wish for that chance. Either way, if you feel convinced, then so be it. Who cares if other people judge you!!! Something is true whether you believe in it or not.

This universe is WAY too big (we are talking so big our minds cant even comprehend its actual size) for us to be alone.

Thanks for sharing!
Any skeptic just has to youtube the mass UFO's sightings in Mexico, I think from around the late 1990s. It was a public event for an air show, and a mass of UFO's can be clearly seen (recorded by several witness w different video cameras), some intertwining with the planes in and out.
I didn't want to do this, but the thread got me to thinking and I remembered two other incidents. One is where I'm on a highway travelling south. Approximately two miles west of me is a pinkish object travelling at about the same speed. It was low like a crop duster, but looked like a smooth, roundish metal object. From my distance, it looked to have something of a thin barrier covering it and a slight tail off the barrier trailing it. I could have written it off as a comet, but it wasn't dropping. Soon trees blocked my view and I never saw it again. I looked away several times and back when it was in view because I didn't believe what I was seeing. It lasted about two and a half minutes.

The next incident happened within months of the other one. I was sitting at a red light and was looking at a building across from me. I looked up and saw something hovering. It's size and location could not be determined, but it was fairly large and obvious. It was shaped similar to a dolphin in it's nose and body without tails and fin. It looked liquid like mercury in old thermometers. I tried to get someone's attention at the light, but no one was paying attention. This would have photographed well, but that was before smart phones. Nothing was on the news later. I told people around me and they wrote it off as a weather balloon.

I know what I saw and wondered why I saw them. Were they planning an attack or laughing at ground based transportation? No probing, but I'm not going anywhere near a close encounter of the third kind on purpose. I think the activity was probably due to the proximity of an Air Force Base.
Googled 'how big is the universe?' and got 46 billion light years. No human mind can conceptualize those dimensions. This reminds me of my favorite scene from Contact:

It is almost criminal how well Matthew McConaughey has aged compared to Jodie Foster :facepalm: but seriously just thinking similar conditions for gravity, light, heat, atmosphere, etc., present on this mudball does not exist elsewhere is, well, as hard to dismiss as mentally picturing the universe's true size.

I have always thought extraterrestrial intelligent life exists. In my opinion, it would be contradiction being a science fiction fan and thinking differently, so my lifelong questions have been:
  • What kind of technology would allow they OR we to travel to the other?
  • How would I personally react seeing or meeting an extraterrestrial?
Truthfully, I do not know if I would be more fascinated with a eight-armed, six-eyed, hairy four-foot being or with the vessel he/she/it traveled in. However, I would hope that I could hold it together and learn how to communicate with he/she/it before the impulse to reach for a can of Raid overcame me. :muttley:

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