I Paused I Thought I Pass


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There is no way I am going to support a OC promoted to HC that never had a top 15 offence, OC of a playoff lost at home, and then went 7-10 the next year. The DC had the same bad defense as his predecessor expect he was the HC of that team, and the Colts defense was not that great. The Colts just beat the Jonesboys like every other team.

You have the same football program that has not worked in 30 years. Head Coach of Offence, a Head Coach of Defense with Jerry Dumbo GM Jones defacto Head Coach of the team. You cannot lead a football team to the Super Bowl from the owners box. Leadership starts at HC, then QB, and then the rest of the team positions. As long as this is the football program of the Arlington Jonesboys, you will never see the Dallas Cowboys in the Super Bowl.

I will always be a Dallas Cowboys fan because I saw them, know them, and they gave me joy from 1966-1995 (actually 1994 when the Dumbo Owner fired a back to back Super Bowl winning HC to become the Dumbo GM). But, the Arlington Jonesboys are fake and not worth anything but disrespect.
It's been well documented that Jimmy had already made plans to leave.
It is well documented that when he was fired he went home to port author and told his mom and dad "he took my team".

It is also well documented in the LA times interview after Jerry bought the Cowboys, Jerry said "you get 2 for 1 with Jimmy, GM and Head Coach".

It is well document that a man with Jimmy's ego would not pass on an opportunity to name a boat "three rings in a row" unless he was fired or forced out.

Keep drinking that Kool Aid its got Arlington Jonesboys fans nothing in 30 years.
It's been well documented that Jimmy had already made plans to leave.
Why would a Coach that was planning to leave, be at the owners meeting for the next season, hired a scout from his Miami days, that would lead the to drafting of Larry Allen, and had discussions to hire Mike Zimmer with Campo who got Switzer to hire him. Stop drinking the Kool Aid.

I know what Jimmy said in his book. But if he had plans it was not the 1994 season.
There is no way I am going to support a OC promoted to HC that never had a top 15 offence, OC of a playoff lost at home, and then went 7-10 the next year. The DC had the same bad defense as his predecessor expect he was the HC of that team, and the Colts defense was not that great. The Colts just beat the Jonesboys like every other team.

You have the same football program that has not worked in 30 years. Head Coach of Offence, a Head Coach of Defense with Jerry Dumbo GM Jones defacto Head Coach of the team. You cannot lead a football team to the Super Bowl from the owners box. Leadership starts at HC, then QB, and then the rest of the team positions. As long as this is the football program of the Arlington Jonesboys, you will never see the Dallas Cowboys in the Super Bowl.

I will always be a Dallas Cowboys fan because I saw them, know them, and they gave me joy from 1966-1995 (actually 1994 when the Dumbo Owner fired a back to back Super Bowl winning HC to become the Dumbo GM). But, the Arlington Jonesboys are fake and not worth anything but disrespect.
Thank you. I have been waiting to scratch your name off the list of people who I haven't heard from yet.
if you can get, butt hurt over this, BUT NOT the fact JJ has proven to you, he wants a mediocre team.

Prepared to be laughed at. and rightly so.

This is where you draw the line after 29 years of futility? THIS RIGHT HERE.

First of all, the sound you hear is the WHOLE LEAGUE laughing at you.

There are no qualifitcations for any position in a league that changes trends faster than the youth and thier speech. To the point they make up words.

What you do wiht one team is NOT what you ll do with another team, its always a gamble.

You saw it with Parcells, WEll Parcells won a SB, SO WHAT, that doesnt mean he does it every where he goes. He also had a coked up LB, who would have tackled Superman, is he coming too?

We had Jimmy, what was his qualifications in the NFL?

If this is where you draw the line, but 29 years of futulity with an owner who straight up told you year in and year out I DO NOT WANT A WINNER AND I WILL FIRE ANY COACH WHO Wins, YET i will keep a coach who sucks

its time to pack it in, i just cant with you.
Let me make this a bit more concise
Jerry sucks
Can't not be a fan no matter how much the Joneses piss me off. But my whole week is not gonna revolve around the Cowboys anymore, especially not Sundays. And Jerry is definitely not getting a penny of my money
There is no way I am going to support a OC promoted to HC that never had a top 15 offence, OC of a playoff lost at home, and then went 7-10 the next year. The DC had the same bad defense as his predecessor expect he was the HC of that team, and the Colts defense was not that great. The Colts just beat the Jonesboys like every other team.

You have the same football program that has not worked in 30 years. Head Coach of Offence, a Head Coach of Defense with Jerry Dumbo GM Jones defacto Head Coach of the team. You cannot lead a football team to the Super Bowl from the owners box. Leadership starts at HC, then QB, and then the rest of the team positions. As long as this is the football program of the Arlington Jonesboys, you will never see the Dallas Cowboys in the Super Bowl.

I will always be a Dallas Cowboys fan because I saw them, know them, and they gave me joy from 1966-1995 (actually 1994 when the Dumbo Owner fired a back to back Super Bowl winning HC to become the Dumbo GM). But, the Arlington Jonesboys are fake and not worth anything but disrespect.
Not that it changes anything, but he did have a top 15 offense in Seattle and Dallas.
Why would a Coach that was planning to leave, be at the owners meeting for the next season, hired a scout from his Miami days, that would lead the to drafting of Larry Allen, and had discussions to hire Mike Zimmer with Campo who got Switzer to hire him. Stop drinking the Kool Aid.

I know what Jimmy said in his book. But if he had plans it was not the 1994 season.
I have to agree, Jimmy had a 10 year contract, things were going great till Jerry decided he wanted to be more involved,
and most of all run his mouth to the media like he has for past 30 years.

Jimmy actually quit, but the main reason was jerry started doing PC's after Jimmy's.
He gave media people a free steak dinner to show up to his PC !! lol
They he would run his mouth and counter things jimmy had said.
Jimmy knew the team having to spokes persons wouldnt work.

Jimmy got in his car and left town after the first or 2nd PC of jerry's.

Jerry had already done a bunch of stuff to irritate jimmy, bringing celebs, and sponsors and friends to the locker room.
Jerry had taken credit for the trade to get casillas, and it had been all jimmy.
Then there was the 500 coaches comment. Jerry did apologize for this but the PC thing jerry wasnt going to not have his own regular PC
where he could talk and be a big shot.

I think the PC's were the last straw, and jimmy had a temper and he just left and refused to come back except to get his last check.
There is no way I am going to support a OC promoted to HC that never had a top 15 offence, OC of a playoff lost at home, and then went 7-10 the next year. The DC had the same bad defense as his predecessor expect he was the HC of that team, and the Colts defense was not that great. The Colts just beat the Jonesboys like every other team.

You have the same football program that has not worked in 30 years. Head Coach of Offence, a Head Coach of Defense with Jerry Dumbo GM Jones defacto Head Coach of the team. You cannot lead a football team to the Super Bowl from the owners box. Leadership starts at HC, then QB, and then the rest of the team positions. As long as this is the football program of the Arlington Jonesboys, you will never see the Dallas Cowboys in the Super Bowl.

I will always be a Dallas Cowboys fan because I saw them, know them, and they gave me joy from 1966-1995 (actually 1994 when the Dumbo Owner fired a back to back Super Bowl winning HC to become the Dumbo GM). But, the Arlington Jonesboys are fake and not worth anything but disrespect.
I am going to wait and see how shotty and new staff do this year, before I judge them based on some crap in the past.
They are here so lets see what they do firt, lol, then judge them and bash them if you want.

Shot has never been a HC, and this staff is all new, and never worked together before, so anything is possible good or bad.
There is no way I am going to support a OC promoted to HC that never had a top 15 offence, OC of a playoff lost at home, and then went 7-10 the next year. The DC had the same bad defense as his predecessor expect he was the HC of that team, and the Colts defense was not that great. The Colts just beat the Jonesboys like every other team.

You have the same football program that has not worked in 30 years. Head Coach of Offence, a Head Coach of Defense with Jerry Dumbo GM Jones defacto Head Coach of the team. You cannot lead a football team to the Super Bowl from the owners box. Leadership starts at HC, then QB, and then the rest of the team positions. As long as this is the football program of the Arlington Jonesboys, you will never see the Dallas Cowboys in the Super Bowl.

I will always be a Dallas Cowboys fan because I saw them, know them, and they gave me joy from 1966-1995 (actually 1994 when the Dumbo Owner fired a back to back Super Bowl winning HC to become the Dumbo GM). But, the Arlington Jonesboys are fake and not worth anything but disrespect.
You do know half the team was injured all season long last year right?
or does that not fit into your agenda?

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